The Atlantic Slave Trade Flashcards
How could slaves be stored on slave ships?
Tight Pack and Loose Pack
What is the advantage of tight pack?
Fit more slaves in 600-800
What are the advantages of Loose Pack? (give examples)
Prevents as much death diseases such as small pox, gastroenteritis (diarrhea), scarlet fever
Where do Europeans purchase slaves in Africa?
Slave Factories El Mina could store 1000 slaves.
What resources were produced in Europe?
Manufactured Good such as textiles (cloth, clothing etc) metal work (pots pans guns etc) Birmingham produces 150,000 guns a year for African Kingdoms.
What resources were produced in the Americas? (4 examples)
Raw materials such as cotton, tobacco, sugar and indigo.
What was the main product in the British Caribbean?
What was produced in Africa?
Labour (slaves)
How many slaves were taken from Africa during the Atlantic Slave Trade?
12.5 million
How many slaves was Britain responsible for taking?
1/4 (3.1 million)
What percentage of slaves were transported by Britain or Portugal?
What was coasting?
Traveling up and down the cost to purchase slaves from different areas
How were most slaves captured?
As prisoners of war
What were temporary slave prisons called?
How were slaves controlled before they reached the coast? (5 things)
Manacled, shackled, forced to march in lines chained together with armed guards.
What methods did slaves use to resist on the middle passage? (3 methods)
Refusing to eat, mutiny (taking over the ship), jumping overboard.
What activities did slaves take part in on ships? (2 examples)
Cleaning the ship, exercising for an hour
What did slaves eat on board?
millet, yams, rice, palm oil, beans, typically a pint of water a day.
Why was resistance difficult on board ships in the middle passage?
violence, beatings, thumb screws, rape (fear) forced feeding, manacles, shackles, inability to communicate, no where to escape to (lack of control)
How did the slave trade have an impact on Africa? (3 reasons)
It led to depopulation which affected the economy and culture, It led to increased warfare, it led to the rise of slave kingdoms that relied heavily on the slave trade.
What was the name of the 2 largest slave kingdoms?
Ashanti and Dahomey
How much did the King of Dahomey make from slavery?
£250,000 a year by 1750
Why did these slave kingdoms trade slaves to Europeans?
To access manufactured goods, in particular guns to expand their kingdoms.
What impact did the slave trade have on the African population?
By 1850 some believe Africa should have had 50 million people rather than 25 million
Why did the slave trade lead to depopulation in Africa? (3 reasons)
Diseases were introduced by Europeans (European strains of syphilis, typhus and tuberculosis)
12.5 million Africans were taken from their homes over hundreds of years, many more were killed in the increased fighting.
Slaves were generally very young 18-40 and therefore could not have children.
Why did the slave trade lead to an increase in warfare?
Slave Kingdoms imported guns and went to war to capture more slaves.
How many guns did African Kingdoms import from Britain in the second half of the 18th Century?
20 million
What was main environmental impact of slavery in the Caribbean?
Destruction of the natural ecology like forests and soil exhaustion/degradation from over farming.
Which bird is believed to have gone extinct due to loss of habitat attached to the slave trade?
Goulds Emerald from Jamaica/the Bahamas
How did the slave trade affect the population of the Caribbean?
It increased due to European and African populations.
How much did Africans outnumber Europeans in Barbados?
up to 20-1
How did the slave trade impact the indigenous people of the Caribbean and what was ones tribe’s name?
Their culture was destroyed and population nearly wiped out, Arawak peoples (the Tainos)
What kind of economies were created in the Caribbean due to the slave trade?
mono-crop economies, reliant on a single product like sugar to make money.
What issues are there with mono-crop economies?
If your crop fails or drops in value you have no other source of income.
What were slave codes?
A set of laws to ensure black people were controlled and often were separated from white people. They allowed for certain punishments for slaves such as whippings and burning.
What new religion was created from the slave trade
Voodoo in Haiti, a combination of Christianity and Animist African beliefs.