The Atavistic Form AO1 Flashcards
Who created the atavistic form
Cesare lombroso
What is the atavistic form
Atavistic form is a historical approach used to explain criminal
behaviour, which is based on the biological factors
What does the atavistic form suggest
suggests that some people are born with a criminal personality
(e.g. it is innate) that is a throwback to a previous more primitive
ancestor (‘genetic throwbacks’)
Why was lombroso’s theory revolutionary
Because it proposed a new perspective that offenders were not to blame for their actions
How many skulls of Italian convicts did lombroso examine, living and dead
Examined the skulls of 383 dead convicts and 3893 living ones
What did lombroso conclude from his examination of skulls
That there was an atavistic form and that these features were key indicators of criminality and concluded that 40% of criminal acts are committed by people
with the atavistic form.
What did Lombroso argue about individuals with the atavistic form?
They would be destined for a life of crime
Lombroso believed these individuals could not cope with civilized society.
According to Lombroso, what were the physiological markers of the atavistic form?
- Narrow, sloping brow
- Strong prominent jaw
- High cheekbones
- Facial asymmetry
- Dark skin
- Extra toes (or nipples or fingers)
These markers were thought to indicate a predisposition to criminal behavior.
What non-physical features did Lombroso associate with the atavistic form?
- Insensitivity to pain
- Use of slang
- Unemployment
- Tattoos
These traits further characterized individuals with the atavistic form.
What features did Lombroso attribute to thieves?
- Expressive face
- Manual dexterity
- Small, wandering eyes
These features were believed to reflect the personality and behavior of thieves.
What were the distinguishing features of murderers according to Lombroso?
- Cold, glassy stares
- Bloodshot eyes
- Big hawk-like nose
These physical characteristics were thought to be indicative of a murderer.
What features did Lombroso identify for sex offenders?
- Thick lips
- Protruding ears
These traits were seen as markers of sexual offenders.
What characteristics did Lombroso associate with female offenders?
- Shorter and more wrinkled
- Darker hair
- Smaller skulls than ‘normal’ women
Lombroso noted these physical traits as indicative of female criminality.
What features did Lombroso attribute to fraudsters?
- Thin and ‘reedy’ lips
This feature was part of Lombroso’s classification of criminal types.
True or False: Lombroso believed that offending behavior was innate and individuals could be blamed for their crimes.
Lombroso argued that offenders could not be blamed due to their innate characteristics.