multifaceted capacity that manifests itself in different ways across the lifespan.
First person to publish on the hereditability of intelligence
Sir Francis Galton
identified components of intelligence, these components included: reasoning, judgment, memory, and abstraction
Alfred Binet
the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment
David Wechsler
focus is on the development of cognition in children, intelligence is an evolving adaptation to the outside world
Jean Piaget
a group of statistical techniques designed to determine the existence of underlying relationships between sets of variables, including test scores.
Factor Analysis
Found that measures of intelligence tend to correlate with various degrees with each other.
Charles Spearman
rejected Charles Spearman’s view that intelligence could be characterized in a single numerical parameter. He proposed the Structure-of-Intellect (SI) model
Joy Paul Guilford
Opposed the notion of general intelligence. Initially conceived of intelligence as being composed of 7 “primary mental activities” or PMAs.
Louis Leon Thurstone
Developed the theory of Multiple Intelligence (MI).
Howard Gardner
postulated the existence of two major types of cognitive abilities: crystallized intelligence (Gc) and fluid intelligence (Gf)
Cattell-Horn-Carroll Theory
By Russian neurologist Alexandr Luria, this approach focuses on mechanisms by which information is processed—how (not what) is processed
Information Processing
proposed another information processing theory: triarchic theory of intelligence
Robert Sternberg
the sampling of an examinee’s performance on different types of tests or tasks as a function of a developmental level to measure intellectual abilities.
Measurement of intelligence
The first published intelligence test to provide detailed administration and scoring instructions.
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
testing that is individually tailored to the test taker
Adaptive Testing
refers to a task used to direct or route the examinee to test items that have a high probability of being the optimum difficulty.
Routing test
Individually administered intelligence tests to assess the intellectual abilities of people from preschool to adulthood.
Wechsler Tests
created to move beyond the atheoretical stance of older intelligence scales.
The Kaufman Scales
specifically assesses those abilities that are related to success in school.
Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT)
is a nonverbal group test typically used in educational settings. It is the most common and popular test administered to groups ranging from 5-year-olds to the elderly.
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