The areas of study Flashcards
Rhythm and Metre
pulse simple/compound time regular/irregular/free rhythms augmentation & diminution hemiola cross-rhythm dotted rhythms triplets syncopation poly-rhythm/ bi-rhythm drum fills
Harmony and Tonailty
diatonic/ chromatic consonant/ dissonant pedal/ drone cadences (perfect/ imperfect/ interrupted/ tierce de picarde) major/ minor/ modal/ atonal
homophonic/ polyphonic/ Monophonic melody with accompaniment unison octaves antiphonal/ imitative broken chords canonic layered
intervals conjunct/ disjunct triadic, scalic, arpeggio passing notes acciaccaturas/ appoggiaturas blue notes pentatonic, chromatic, whole tone slide/ glissando ornamentation ostinato/ riff articulation/ phrasing pitch bend improvisation
timbre and dynamics
reverb distortion con arco pizzicato con sordino double stopping tremolando crescendo/ diminuendo
structure and form
binary, ternary call and response rondo theme and variations arch shape sonata, minuet and trio, scherzo and trio strophic, through-composed, da capo aria, cyclic ground bass, continuo cadenza
What is a ground bass?
a melody in the bass that is repeated through the music
What is cyclic from?
constant repetition of a fixed number of beats/ melodic pattern which is developed with improvisation or changes in texture or dynamics. common in Africa and Asia.
What is strophic?
the same music is repeated for different verses in a song
What is through-composed?
new music for each verse in a song
What is da capo aria?
a solo singer with an orchestral accompaniment
What is sonata form?
large scale music with 3 parts
What are two vocal techniques?
falsetto and vibrato
What is antiphonal?
What is a plagal cadence?
4 to 1
What is interrupted cadence?
5 to 6
What are blue notes?
chromatic notes (usually flats)
What is the 12 bar blues?
a pattern based on three chords which blues pieces are composed from
difference between a drone and a pedal?
a drone can be more than one note
halving of note lengths