The Ancient Greeks Flashcards
What race were the ancient Greeks
They were from groups of the Aryan branch of the white race
Where did they come from
They wandered from central Asia to Europe some 3000 years ago
At what intervals did they occupy what is now called Greece
2000 and 1200bc
What were they called before the 7th century
Before the 7th century, they had no common name but the worshipped the same gods, had the same language and had the same culture. During this period they called themselves HELLENS
Who was hellens
Hellens, was the ancestor of all their tribes
Were the Greeks a unified nation under the authority of one ruler
What were the most powerful City states of the ancient Greeks
Athens and Sparta
What was Athens and Sparta known for
ATHENS reigned supreme on the land while SPARTA reigned supreme on the sea
What century did the rule of kings come to an end
8th century
Who took over the reins of power
The nobles whose power had been rapidly growing
What century was democracy introduced
6th century
Why did the ancient Greek democrat have to take his share of actual government
He was required to attend the assembly where the laws were made in order to recall his votes on every issue
What were the foreigners called
Which city states continued it’s rule based on kingship
Which city state tried to wield the independent states together