Reformation Flashcards
What was the latin translation of the bible called
Who is Erasmus
A Dutch scholar who attacked the short comings of the priest
Among those who called for the reform in the church, who was the most active
A German monk, Martin Luther (1485-1546)
What was Martin Luther agenda
He held that people should be able to read the bible for themselves in their own native language and that the church ought to only be a guide
How many reasons contributed to the religious upheaval in the 16th century that led to the protestant reformation
One of the three reasons for the protestant reformation
First was amongst the simple people or labouring group.
There was an endemic re satisfaction with all the Grand apparatus of the church and oppressive ruling class. They formed expression in the Great peasant rebellion in Germany in the 1520s. The sect which emerged as the ANABAPTIST.
Some descendants of the Anabaptist group
Mother baptist, Mennonite, and Moravian brothers are all amongst their descendants
Second reason for the protestant reformation
Forming a group generally more educated and with broader view of the world were the middle classes of the various European cities. They believed the church hierarchy was to embedded in the feudal, baronial and monarchial system.
Which group formed a majority in the Calvinist origin
The middle class sect
Northern Europe became protestant while the South became catholic
When was the religious frontier generally accepted
Until after the “thirty years war”
Who was the first to successfully defile the older church authority
Martin Luther
Who developed the “doctrine of justification by faith alone”
Martin Luther
What defined the “doctrine”
This held that what ‘justified’a man is not what the church knew as worth ( prayers, alms, sacrament, holy living) but by Faith alone
Who is yudah
A professor at Wittenberg who came out of seclusion in 1517 in protest against the frair named TETZEL who was travelling through Germany distributing insurgency.