The Age Of Anxiety Flashcards
German philosopher Religion = slave morality Rejected Christianity, reason, progress "God is dead" Only hope was for humans to accept meaningless of life
Friedrich Nietzsche
French poet and critic
Saw the mind as “cruelly injured” from doubts and suffering from anxieties
Paul Valéry
French philosophy professor
Believed immediate response and intuition were important to understanding reality
Henri Bergson
French socialist
Characterized Marxian socialism as a religion
Rejected democracy
Wanted new socialist society led by revolutionary elites
Georges Sorel
Rejected traditional philosophy
Saw God, freedom, and morality as senseless and a waste of time
Religion and moral are personal preference
Logical empiricism
Austrian philosopher
Wrote Tractatus Logico Philosophicus
Philosophy is only logical clarification of thoughts and is a study of language
“Of what one cannot speak, of that one must remain silent”
Ludwig Wittgenstein
God, reason, and progress are myths
People are defined by their actions and are responsible for their own behavior
French existentialist
Believed humans simply existed
There was no god to help humans
Jean-Paul Sartre
German existentialists
Martin Heidegger and Karl Jasper’s
French existentialist
Very influential
Wrote “The Stranger”
Albert Camus
Stressed humans sinful nature, the need for faith, and the mystery of Gods forgiveness
Christian existentialists
Danish religious philosopher
Rejected formal religion
Committed to a remote and majestic God
Soren Kierkegaard
Swiss Protestant theologian
Human beings are sinful and imperfect
Their reason and will are flawed
Religious truth is given by the grace of God
You must accept Jesus with awe, trust, and obedience
Karl Barth
Religion provided hope, humanity, honesty, and piety for humans
Denounced anti-Semitism
Catholicism is tainted with absurd superstitions
Gabriel Marcel
Polish born physicist
Discovered radium and how it constantly emits subatomic particles and doesn’t have a constant atomic weight
Marie Curie
“One began to believe in heaven because one believed in hell”
Graham Greene
German physicist
Subatomic energy is emitted in uneven little spurts called quanta
Max Planck
Time and space are relative to the viewpoint of the observer and only the speed of light is constant
Matter and energy are interchangeable
Albert Einstein
Atom could be split
Seven subatomic particles
Research towards atomic bomb
Ernest Rutherford
Principle of uncertainty
It’s impossible to know position and speed of an electron and impossible to predict it’s behavior
Werner Heisenberg
Human behavior is irrational
Behavior is a compromise between instinctual drives and controls of rational thinking and morals
Signings Freud
Primitive, irrational unconscious
Rationalizing conscious that tells what a person can do
Moral values that tell what a person should do
French novelist
Wrote semi autobiographical “Remembrance of Things Past”
Marcel Proust
Wrote “Jacobs Room” using stream-of-consciousness technique
About a psychology patient
Virginia Woolf
Used stream-of-conscious technique
Wrote “The Sound of Fury” as a novel seen through the eyes of an idiot
William Faulkner
Irish novelist
Wrote “Ulysses” as a parallel between an Irish man and Homers Ulysses
Written as a riddle
James Joyce
German high school teacher
Wrote “the Decline of the West”
Believed the west will be ended soon by a conquest of the yellow race
Oswald Spengler
Wrote “The Waste Land”
Saw a world of growing desolation
Converted to Anglo-Catholicism and came to hope for salvation
T. S. Eliot
Wrote “The Trial” and “The Castle”
Saw humans being crushed by hostile forces
Franz Kafka
Wrote futuristic book called “1984”
Saw future as totalitarian state led by a harsh dictator
George Orwell
Constant experimentation and a search for new kinds of expression
Buildings should be functional
No use for decorative architecture
Leader of Chicago school of architects
Used cheap steel, reinforced concrete, and electric elevators
Louis H Sullivan
Built a series of radically new and modern houses with mass produced material
Frank Lloyd Wright
Built a modern shoe factory Alfeld, Germany
Merged school of fine arts and applied arts into one school at Weimar called Bauhaus
Walter Gropius
School that combined painting and sculpture with printing, weaving, and furniture making
Second director of the Bauhaus
Built Lake Shore apartments in Chicago with steel frame and glass walls
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Capturing of the momentary overall feeling of light falling on a scene before oneself
Monet, Renoir, and Pissaro
Fascination with form
Abstract, non representational characters showing emotions
Post impressionism or expressionism
Painted “Starry Night”
Post impressionist
Painted moving vision of his minds eye
Vincent Van Gogh
French stockbroker turned painter
Used expressionist technique to infuse work with tranquility and mysticism
Believed form and design were important themselves
Painters did not need to represent objects
Paul Gaugin
Committed to form and design
Increasingly abstract work
Two dimensional
Paul Cézanne
Painted “les Fauves”
Concerned with arrangement of color, line, and form
Led an expressionism group of painters
Henri Matisse
Cubism- complex geometry of zigzagging lines and sharp angles over overlapping planes
Pablo Picasso
Turned away from nature completely
Represented mood not objects
Wassily Kandinsky
Attack on all accepted art by using comical or abnormal subjects
Composed by Igor Stravinsky
Preformed by Sergei Diaghilev’s Russian dance company
Earthly representation of lovemaking
The Rite of Spring
Created by Alban Berg
Half sung half spoken dialogue with harsh music
Take about a soldier driven to kill
Abandoned traditional harmony
Independent and unrelated music notes
Used twelve note music with abstract mathematical pattern
Arnold Schönberg
Famous Actors
Rudolf Valentino, Mary Pickford, Lillian Gish
King of “silver screen”
Portrayed the “Great Dictator”
Charlie Chaplan