the aftermath of the war - industry Flashcards
after the war what was back in full force?
the centrally planned economy
the centrally planned economy was a repeat of earlier versions, how much investment was devoted to heavy industry and capital goods(inc armaments)?
target was to ?
exceed pre-war industrial levels
to achieve exceeded pre-war industrial levels what happened to the population?
it was mobilised= everybody was involved in reconstruction work
in Leningrad how many hours did workers have to contribute a month on top of their 8 hour working day ?
30 hours
citizens not working had to put in how many hours?
60 hours
students had to put in how many hours?
10 hours
extra labour was provided by war prisoners, how many were there?
2.5 million = but had grown very rapidly after the war
what sort of works did war prisoners have to do?
Exploited mercilessly , worked in inhospitable north cutting timber , few survived
results were remarkable what could this undoubtedly be attributed to?
the efforts of the Russian people who were prepared to endure privation, food rationing and long hours for low pay
what was there a huge growth in?
heavy industry, factories and steel works were rebuilt and mines re-opened at astonishing rates
what same old problems resurfaced?
bottlenecks and shortages of raw materials and component parts yet end product still impressive
what was back in operation and generating electricity by 1947?
The Dnieper Dam
when was the first soviet atomic bomb tested?