High Stalinism summary Flashcards
what is the years that followed the end of WW2 often referred to as ?
The period of ‘high Stalinism’
During high Stalinism?
Stalin’s authority over state and party + cult of personality had grown up around him - reaching its pinnacle
Stalin being seen as the great hero of WW2 meant that ?
He could real more or less as he chose, while those around him competed for fulfilling his wishes
Features of high Stalinism- inequality
Substantial inequality throughout society, hierarchy of ranks both within party and outside
- accompanying rewards e.g better housing , access to scarce goods
- those in higher ranks of party or industry = greater risks, could be blamed
Features of high Stalinism - media
Strict censorship of all media - Russian people had little knowledge of outside world
Features of high Stalinism - culture
No independent social or cultural organisations permitted
Features of high Stalinism , how was party message put across?
Extensive propaganda showing desired image of the leader
What was there a strong emphasis on
Nationalism and patriotism
- Russians were cut off from foreign contacts and influences
What was there a revival of?
Traditional values in family education and the arts
There was a great emphasis on the role of the leader- how was he presented ?
An all knowing, omnipresent god-like figure
Stalin held tremendous personal power as leader how?
His word was law , held the power of life and death
Features of high Stalinism - part and gov
High centralised control from Moscow over the party and gov
What was used to control the population?
Terror and coercion
Features of high Stalinism - Economy
A command economy - a centralised planning system with emphasis on heavy industry
Needs of the people
Low priority given = poor housing, few consumer goods generally low standards of living