The Afterlife-- Heaven Flashcards
Acts 1:9 Jesus’ ascension
“he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.”
Revelation 8:1-2 2nd Coming of Jesus- heaven is a physical place
When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.
And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them.
John 14:2- Who is saved
In my Father’s house there are many rooms
Luke 23:43- When is judgement
Truly I tell you, Today you will be with me in Paradise
The second coming of Jesus as described in Revelation. He will descend and establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth- transforming and perfecting creation in the process.
Parable of the Sheep and the Goat on Jesus’ second coming
When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne.
Beatific vision
Heaven is not a place but a spiritual state in which people are reunited with the glory of God in an eternal moment of bliss- Aquinas et al
Heaven on the reinstation of a relationship with God
Returns to prelapsarian state in the Garden of Eden: sin and doubt will cease to exist and the epistemic chasm (Calvin) will have been closed.
Canon Catholic view on heaven
The beatific vision- spiritual state.
How do souls interact with the spiritual plane of heaven
They will conjoin with God outside of the constraints of time. Platonic Dualism- souls are eternal, and bodies are temporary.
Scholars for heaven as a symbol
Tillich, Sartre, Hick (Sometimes), Origen
Tillich’s view on heaven’s symbolism
It is a symbol for moral virtue in which you help others (As per the PofS&G) and earthly blissful happiness
Support for the existence of heaven in any capacity
Kant’s moral argument
Jesus has ultimate authority on eschatology, and he supports particular judgement.
Support for heaven as a physical place
NT Wright- the rule of heaven will come to earth- and will transform it into God’s kingdom.
Rahner: the afterlife is timeless
Propositional revelation– Heaven is spoken of in purely physical terms (PofS&G and Rich man and Lazarus)
Support for heaven as a symbol
Liberation theology- heaven is an idealised society rather than a physical place, brought about by instilling Christian moral principles in the world- especially surrounding empowering the marginalised poor.
The symbolism of heaven respects the “Cloud of unknowing” (Moses Maimonides) that God, in his transcendence, should have.
Criticism of heaven’s existence
Necessitates a dualistic belief in a soul- materialists Dawkins, Ryle + Aristotle (Body cannot separate from its soul).
Bernard Williams- heaven can’t be heaven because it would be boring, thus heaven cannot exist. Especially true if heaven exists temporally on earth because under these laws, happiness and even shear beatific bliss must be aesthetic qualities which will dissipate over time.
Establishing a kingdom of God and living under his presence in fear undermines human free will and human moral virtue. Augustine’s theodicy- people choose a relationship with God and that is what makes it meaningful. Reinforces Epicurian dilemma to that end.