The Aeneid: Book 3 Flashcards
Aeneas and his followers take refuge beneath Mount ____, in the neighborhood of Troy. There they set to work building a fleet. When the _______ rolls around, they sail off.
Ida, summer
First they head for ______, a region once allied with Troy.
Aeneas plots out a settlement on the _____. Then he prepares to make a sacrifice.
Thrace, coast
But when he tries to pick some ______ saplings to make a shelter for the altar, something strange happens: blood spurts out from the ______ of the tree. He tries again, and more blood spurts out. Understandably freaked out, he makes some _______. Then he tries for a third time.
myrtle, roots, prayers
This time, a voice speaks up from the ground, saying, “Hey! It’s me, ________, a Trojan. Some guys killed me with a bunch of spears, which then took root and turned into _______ trees.” What? You couldn’t figure that out for yourself?
Polydorus, myrtle
As it turns out, King ______ of Troy sent Polydorus to _______ a while back with a shipment of ______. He was to give the gold to the king of Thrace for safekeeping while the Trojan war raged on. Unfortunately, the Thracian king decided to take the gold for himself, which is why he had ________ killed.
Priam, Thrace, gold, Polydorus
After a brief consultation, ________ and the other leaders decide that this probably isn’t the best place to start a new city. Before sailing off, they hold funeral rites for _________. Next they sail to the island of ______, where there is an oracle of the god Apollo.
Aeneas, Polydorus, Delos
The oracle tells them to go to the original home of the _______ people. There they will found an empire that will rule the shores of the world for generations to come.
Cool. But where’s the original home of the Trojan people? Aeneas’s dad, ________, knows: “Many years ago,” he explains, “a guy named _______ came from ______. He sailed from there to _______ _______, where he founded Troy. We should head for Crete.”
Anchises, Teucrus, Crete, Asia Minor
Which is exactly where they go. And found a city. Sweet. Or…maybe not. The Trojans are only there for a little while when a _____ strikes them and their crops and the sun dries up all the water. (Way to go, Dad.)
_______ says that Aeneas should go back to _____ and ask the oracle for an explanation.
plague, Anchises, Delos
That night, while _______ is sleeping, the household gods start talking to him. They tell him to go to ______, where another ancestor of the Trojans – ______, Teucrus’s son-in-law – came from. The next day, Aeneas tells the prophecy to Anchises, who says, “You’re right, my bad. Let’s go to Italy.”
Aeneas, Italy, Dardanus
And off they go. Things are going pretty well for a while, but then the fleet gets caught in ______ days of storms.
Eventually, they succeed in making their way to an island. What they don’t know is that it is inhabited by the _______ – disgusting flying bird creatures with the faces of ______.
three, Harpies, women
But all the Trojans see is all the _______ roaming the shore unattended. To them, this can mean only one thing: BBQ time! Unfortunately, when they go ashore to grab some dinner, the ________ swoop in and defile the meat with their filthiness. The _______ try to fight them, but they just fly away.
livestock, harpies, Trojans
Then ________, the queen Harpy tells them that they will make it to ______ alright, “but as for what you did to my livestock – your reward will be terrible hunger. In fact, you guys are going to get so hungry that you’re going to end up eating your ______!” Yikes.
Celaeno, Italy, tables
After making ______ to avert this calamity, the men set sail again, and eventually make it to the ______ region of western ______. They stay there for the winter, and then set sail again.
prayers, Leucas, Greece
Next they come to ______ in _____ – a region of Northwestern Greece. Here they learn that _______, a son of the Trojan King ______, has ended up ruling over some Greek cities. They also learn that he has married ________, who used to be the wife of the Trojan hero Hector (deceased).
Chaonia, Epirus, Helenus, Priam, Andromache
On their way to find them, who should they run into but…__________ herself, making sacrifice at a shrine she has made to her dead husband _____.
Andromache, Hector
Even though she _____ when she sees them, when she wakes up she is full of information. She tells them that, after the fall of Troy, she was enslaved by _______’s son __________. But he soon got tired of her and took a Spartan woman, _______, for his wife.
faints, Achilles, Neoptolemus, Hermione
At this point, he married her off to her fellow captive Trojan _______. Then _______’s son, _______, who was in love with Hermione, killed _________; for some reasons that aren’t entirely clear, Helenus inherited some land as a result of this, which is why he and _________ have ended up as king and queen in this part of ______.
Helenus, Agamemnon, Orestes, Neoptolemus, Andromache, Epirus
Then ______ himself shows up. He leads them back to the city, which turns out to be a miniature replica of ____.
After they stay there for a few days, Aeneas asks Helenus – who has the gift of ________ – to tell them what’s in store for them.
Helenus, Troy, prophecy
Helenus makes some ________, and then starts telling them a lot of cool stuff. He says that, for the most part, things are looking good. Then he gives them a list of things to watch out for.
He also tells them that, whenever they see a giant white ____ suckling 30 white _______, they’ll know that they’ve found their new homeland.
sow, piglets
Then he gives them some more advice, and tells them to steer clear of the narrows between ______ and mainland _____ – that’s where ______ and ______ lurk.
Sicily, Italy, Scylla, Charybdis
But Helenus still isn’t finished. Now he tells them to keep praying to ____ – maybe they’ll win her over eventually. Also, he says once they get to Italy, they should head for the town of _______. There, they should consult with the _______, a priestess and oracle.
Juno, Cumae, Sibyl
After this, _______ gives them all gifts, with some special gifts for _______. ___________ also gives them gifts, with special stuff for ________, who reminds her of her dead son.
Helenus, Anchises, Andromache, Ascanius
Then the Trojans sail off. First they go to _______, further up the coast of _______. From there, it’s only a hop, skip, and a jump to the East coast of Italy. There they make a brief a pit stop, and then head off again. They follow the coast of Italy south, and round the boot.
Ceraunia, Greece
Soon afterward, they feel the sea getting choppy. ________ realizes that they’re close to _______ and _______. He tells them to head away from it.
Anchises, Scylla, Charybdis
They get away safely – but are headed to the island of the ________, better known as ______. The volcanic Mt. _______ is rumbling nearby, making things all the more spooky.
Cyclopes, Sicily, Aetna
They make camp and spend the night in the forest.
In the morning, an emaciated man comes up to them out of the mist. It turns out he is a Greek named _________. Even though he is scared at first to fall in with a bunch of Trojans, he suddenly comes forward and throws himself at their mercy.
He tells them that if they kill him, it would be OK. “So long as I die at the hands of humans, it’s no big deal.” It turns out that ___________ was a sailor from the fleet of _______, who was left behind. He narrowly escaped from the Cyclops’s lair, and has been hiding out in the forest for the past three months.
Achaemenides, Ulysses
He tells the Trojans to sail away from there like their life depends on it – which it does. He repeats that they can kill him if they want. At this point, who should come galumphing down to the water but _________ – the _________ Ulysses/Odysseus blinded!
Polyphemus, Cyclops
Aeneas and his crew put the pedal to the metal – that is, the paddle to the puddle – and get away in the nick of time. They take _________ with them. Then they keep sailing around the south coast of ______.
Achaemenides, Sicily
When they stop at the city of ________, tragedy strikes again: Aeneas’s father ________ dies.
After this, Aeneas and company make their way to ________. This is the end of Aeneas’s story.
Drepanum, Anchises, Carthage
Where do Aeneas and his followers take refuge in the beginning of the chapter?
Mount Ida
Who is the tree causing the blood?
Where was Polydorus sent?
Who founded Troy?
Who was Teucrus’s son-in-law?
Where do Aeneas and his people first sail?
What are the birds with the faces of women called?
Who is the queen of the harpies?
They make it to what region of Greece?
After they go to Leucas what region in northwestern Greece do they reach?
Chaonia in Epirus
The son of King Priam is ruling cities what is name?
Who has Helenus married?
Who was Andromache formerly married to?
Andromache is making a sacrifice to whom?
Who was Andromache enslaved by?
Who is Neoptolemus married to?
Who was in love with Hermione?
Who was Orestes’s mother
Who killed Neoptolemus because he was in love with Hermione?
Who has the gift of prophecy?
Who does Helenus tell Aeneas and the Trojans to avoid?
Scylla and Charybdis
What town does Helenus tell the Trojans to go to?
Cumae, Italy
Who does Helenus tell the Trojans to consult while in Cumae?
Who reminds Andromache of her dead son?
What is the name of the island of the Cyclopes?
What volcanic mountain is rumbling near Sicily?
Mt. Aetna
Who do they run into in Sicily?
Achaemenides was a sailor for who?
Which Cyclops had Ulysses blinded?
Where does Anchises die?