The Aeneid: Book 1 Flashcards
Why is Juno mad at Aeneas?
Because he is a Trojan and because she loves Carthage
What is Carthage?
a Phoenician city in Northern Africa
Juno first catches sight of Aeneas and his fleet as they are sailing past _________.
Who is the king of the winds? (He was appointed by Jupiter)
Juno tells _______ to stir up the sea against the ______; she says she’ll give him one of her nymphs to marry, in return for his trouble.
Aeolus, Trojans
Aeolus tells ______ that her wish is his command – after all, she has given him a lot of sweet stuff already. (It is unclear whether Aeolus accepts the nymph or not, though it seems like he doesn’t.)
He takes his spear and pounds on the mountain where the winds are locked up. Out come the _____ Wind and the ______ Wind. They speed down to where the Trojans are sailing and stir up a _______ against them.
East, South, storm
As the storm starts to pick up, ________ exclaims how he wishes he had died back home in _____. That would have been a lot better than the death that is about to befall them.
Aeneas, Troy
Sure enough, things start to look bad: ______ ships crash and three get stuck on _______.
three, sandbars
Just then, though, ________, the god of the sea, hears the commotion going on above him. He pokes his eyes out of the water, and isn’t pleased with what he sees.
Neptune immediately tells off the ______ for stirring up the ocean without his permission. Before he’s even done talking, the storm ends.
After that close call, Aeneas and his remaining ships decide to head for the nearest land. This happens to be ______.
Once they have pulled into a convenient natural harbor, ________ and his men disembark. They make a _____ and eat grain by the seashore.
Aeneas, fire
In the meantime, Aeneas and his comrade _______ climb a nearby hill to scan the sea for any sign of the lost ______. He doesn’t see them.
Achates, ships
Instead, he finds a troop of wild ______. Aeneas chases after them and shoots ______ – one for each of his ships.
deer, seven
Then he takes them down to the ______, and gives his men a speech reminding them of how much they have suffered already. He tells them to look on the bright side – one day they might even look back ___________ on these hardships.
shore, nostalgically
We are told that ________ is putting on a ______ face for his men – inside, he feels more _____ for their lost companions than anyone else. Meanwhile, the ______ feast on the deer and get their strength back.
Aeneas, brave, grief, Trojans
That evening, ________, the king of the gods, is looking down at the world.
Just then, up comes _______, the goddess of love, who also happens to be _______’s mom. Venus complains to _______ about how Aeneas and his men have to suffer so much, when other Trojans, like a guy called _______, have already been able to settle in various parts of ______.
Venus, Aeneas, Jupiter, Antenor, Italy
Jupiter says, “Chill. I’m still going to let ______ make it to _____.” He then explains how Aeneas, when he gets to Italy, is going to have to fight a war against the local tribe of the _________. After that, he will reign for only ______ years – but then his son, ________, will rule for another thirty years in the new capital of _______ ________ (don’t worry if you haven’t heard of it).
Aeneas, Italy, Rutulians, three, Ascanius, Alba Longa
______ ________ will be the headquarters of the Trojans in Italy for three centuries, until the queen and priestess ____ gets pregnant by _______, the god of war, and gives birth to _______ and Remus.
Alba Longa, Ilia, Mars, Romulus
_______ will found Rome (aha!). ______ says he will give the Romans unlimited power. This power will reach its summit during the reign of _______ (that is, the Emperor Augustus), which will bring about a great era of ______.
Romulus, Jupiter, Caesar, peace
Then _______ sends down the god _______ to make the _____________ welcome Aeneas and the other Trojans.
Jupiter, Hermes, Carthaginians
That night, Aeneas is lying awake _______. He decides to go ________ the next day.
thinking, exploring
And that’s just what he does – once again with his buddy ________. While they are walking in the woods, Aeneas and Achates run into _______, who is disguised as a young __________.
Achates, Venus, huntress
Aeneas knows something is up, and asks the huntress what ________ she is. (This would probably be a good opener even if she wasn’t a goddess.) But ________ keeps up her disguise, saying that she’s just an ordinary girl from that neck of the woods.
goddess, Venus
Venus then fills _______ in on what’s been going on.
She explains how _______, the local queen, was once married to ________, the richest man of the city of ____ (in modern-day Lebanon). Her brother, _________, was the king of Tyre.
Dido, Sychaeus, Tyre, Pygmalion
Unfortunately, _________ was very greedy, and ended up killing _________ for his money. He managed to keep what he had done from _____ for a little while – but then __________ appeared to her in a dream and explained what had happened.
Pygmalion, Sychaeus, Dido, Sychaeus
________ told ______ to flee the city immediately, and also told her where some treasure was buried, to finance her trip.
Sychaeus, Dido
_____ gathered up some other men from ____ and sailed over to _______ ________, where they are now, and where she is building the city of ________.
Dido, Tyro, North Africa, Carthage
Then, having wound up her story, _____ asks ______ who he is. Aeneas replies by saying his name, his quest. He ends by saying how he got slammed by the _____ and lost a bunch of his companions.
Venus, Aeneas, storm
Venus says, “Don’t worry about them.” To illustrate her point, she shows him where twelve _____ are flapping around in peace, even though a little while ago they were being chased by an ______. ______ interprets this as a sign that everyone’s OK.
swans, eagle, Venus
Then ________ turns to go, and, as she does, ________ recognizes her. “Hey, mom!” he calls out,
“What’s with the disguises? I just want to spend some quality time with you!”
Venus, Aeneas
But Venus doesn’t answer. Instead, she wraps ______ and _______ in a cloud of ____, making them _______. This allows them to walk into the heart of ________. All around them, people are busy as bees building the new city. ________ is jealous.
Aeneas, Achates, mist, invisible, Carthage, Aeneas
In the middle of the city, the _______ are building a temple to ______.
Trojans, Juno
Aeneas goes up to the temple. On its gates, he sees depicted various scenes from the ________ _____. (Most of these are from the Iliad, though some come from the later tradition known as The Epic Cycle.)
Trojan War
Then, Queen ______ comes in with a bunch of attendants. She takes her seat in front of ______’s shrine.
Dido, Juno
At this point, in come representatives from all of the ships that _______ thought he had lost – safe and sound, just as _____ predicted.
Aeneas, Juno
The ______ explain to _____ who they are and where they’re going. They complain about the rough treatment they’ve gotten from the locals, and say that the gods are on their side.
Trojans, Dido
They ask for permission to stay in the area for long enough to repair their ships; then they’ll either sail for ______ as planned (if they reconnect with Aeneas, that is), or head to _______ instead, where another Trojan, _______, has set himself up as king.
Latium, Sicily, Acestes
In response, ______ apologizes for any trouble they have encountered; she explains that she has had to ramp up security while their city gets on its feet.
Then she tells them that she has heard of ______. She says that the Trojans can go wherever they want, with a _________ escort. Or, if they want, they can stay in Carthage as equal citizens. She says that she wishes Aeneas were there, and promises to send out scouts to search the coastline for him.
Aeneas, Carthaginian
Just then, the cloud vanishes from ______ and _______. At the same time, _______ makes Aeneas look super-impressive and handsome.
Achates, Aeneas, Venus
_______ thanks ______ for her hospitality. Dido is impressed with Aeneas and tells him so, explaining how she is an exile too, from ______.
Aeneas, Dido, Tyre
She leads _______ into her palace and declares it a ______ day
Aeneas, feast
Aeneas thinks about his son _______ and sends _______ back to the camp to bring him to the feast. He also tells him to bring some gifts for _____.
Ascanius, Achates, Dido
The goddess _____ decides to make _____ – the god of love – take _________’s form so he can infect _____ with love. She tells Amor that she will hide the real _______ away in one of her shrines so that no one will be the wiser.
Venus, Amor, Ascanius, Dido, Ascanius
When ______ arrives with the gifts, he first goes up to Aeneas and says “Hi dad.” Then he goes and sits on _____’s lap.
Amor inflames Dido with love for _______, and slowly takes away her memory of her dead husband, __________.
Amor, Dido, Aeneas, Sychaeus
At the end of the feast, ______ fills a huge bowl with _____, drinks from it, and starts passing it around. At the same time, the poet _____ sings a song about the cosmos and the natural world.
Dido, wine, lopas
_______, who is growing more enthralled by the minute, asks Aeneas question after question about the _______ _____. Finally, she asks him how _____ was captured, and how he came to North Africa.
Dido, Trojan War, Troy