The Adrenal Gland - Clinical Flashcards
Describe the hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis
CRH (corticotrophin releasing hormone) is produced by the anterior pituitary and stimulates ACTH (adrenocorticotrophic hormone) production
ACTH stimulates cortisol production in the adrenal cortex
What things can cause Addison’s disease?
Immune destruction Invasion Infiltration Infection Infarction Iatrogenic
What is Addison’s disease?
Primary adrenal insufficiency
What is the commonest cause of Addison’s?
Autoimmune destruction leading to lymphocytic infiltration of the cortex
What conditions are associated with autoimmune Addison’s?
Thyroid disease
Premature ovarian failure
What antibodies are found in 70% of Addison’s patients?
Antibodies to 21-OHase
What symptoms are associated with addisons?
Weakness, fatigue, anorexia, wt loss Skin pigmentation or vitiligo Hypotension Unexplained vomiting/diarrhoea Salt craving Postural symptoms
What things may point towards adrenal failure as a diagnosis?
Unexplained hypoglycaemia
Other endocrine features, e.g. hypothyroidism, body hair loss, amenorrhoea
Previous depression, wt loss
What tests should you do in suspected adrenal insufficiency?
UE, glucose, FBC
Random cortisol
Synacthen test and basal ACTH
If a patient is really unwell with suspected adrenal insufficiency what tests should you do?
Treat with steroids first and do test later
What random cortisol is definitely not Addison’s?
> 700nmol/l
What random cortisol may be Addison’s?
How do you carry out a short synacthen test?
Take blood for cortisol and ACTH
Give 250microg tetracosactrin IM
Half an hour later take cortisol level
Half an hour after than take another cortisol level
If congenital adrenal hyperplasia suspected can analyse bloods for 17-OH progesterone to exclude 17-hydroxylase deficiency
When should a short synacthen be done?
What would you expect as a normal response to the short synacthen test?
Stimulated plasma cortisol >550nmol/l
Failure to meet this indicates adrenal insufficiency