The Accounting Worksheet (specific practice) Flashcards
Paying tax owed from previous financial year
Down in cash, down in other current liabilities
Prepaid rent being used up within this financial year
Down in other current assets, down in expenses
Rent payment
Down cash, down expenses
Advanced rent payment for the next financial year
Up other current assets, up expenses
Credit purchases of inventory
Up inventory, up trade payables
Sales from the gallery - some cash, some credit
Up cash (cash amount), up trade receivables (credit amount), up income (total)
Inventory sold
Down inventory, down expenses
Purchase of fixtures some paid in cash, some still owing
Down cash (cash amount), up other current liabilities (amount owing) and up PPE (total)
Wages paid owing from last financial year
Down cash on hand, down other current liabilities
Wages for current year
Down cash, down expenses
Wages still outstanding for next year
Down other current assets, down expenses
Utilities for the current year
Down cash, down expenses
Received money from purchases that were on credit
Up cash, down trade receivables
Loan repayments ($10, 000 of principal, $4, 000 of interest)
Cash on hand down 14, loans down 10 and expenses down 4
Paid suppliers amount owing from credit purchases
Cash down, trade payables down
Received interest earned from bank account
Cash up, other current liabilities up
Investing by owners in entity through purchasing more shares
Up cash on hand, up contributed equity
Depreciation of fuxtures and fittings
Down PPE, down expenses
Paying dividends
Down cash, down dividends
Income tax expense still owing
Up other current liabilities and down expenses