That's Interesting Deck 5 Flashcards
Sagittarius *
A newly discovered black hole discovered at the Center of our galaxy. It is 400 million times larger than our Sun! –Shephard news 5.12.22
Thieves stole 22 million guns out of cars in 2020! – Shephard News
Amino acids form the first protein of what we call life.
Star trek NG. Last episode
Godwits. Birds fly 5,000 miles non-stop from the tip of South America to Texas! ref: Patagonia
CARD 2: The border between Kansas and Missouri was decided by religion.
Washington DC’s representative doesn’t get a vote in Congress.
Washington DC’s placement was the center of the 13 colonies.
Missouri is the population center of the United States.
Most state capitols are located in the center between the two largest cities. They did this so nobody would have to travel a long distance to get to the capitol.
Card 03:
Length of a single lightning bolt, the longest ever recorded, during an April 2020 storm.
477 Miles! Stretching across three states. The World Meteorological Organization confirmed on Feb. 1, 2022.
Card 04:
Baseballs used in a typical game. 120 in a typical 9 inning game.
Major league Baseball requires some 900,000 balls per season.
Jack Hample, age 44 has collected 11,659 total Baseballs from all the major league parks!
The secret? Buy a special ticket that includes batting practice. You will find the balls under the outfield seats.
ref: AARP bulletin August/September 2022
Card 05:
General Lee’s surrender.
Grant and Lee meet at a farm house where an American Indian, Union Army General Parker writes out the terms of Lee’s surrender. April 1865.
Smells bring back memories quickly because smells bypass the thalamus and go straight to the Amygdala! Brain Rules book.
We don’t see with our eyes. We see with our brains. Brain Rules book.
Proof! We see in our dreams while asleep!–MN
Card 06: Donald Trump pleaded the 5th amendment 97 times in his first divorce courtroom. Ref: CNN
Trump quote from September 2016, “If you are innocent, why are you taking the 5th amendment?” …. “The mob takes the 5th!”
Custer’s last stand (Prime) After the battle, Indian women performed their religious rite of beheading, scalping, and chopping off hands, arms and legs so that these white men could not raise up and attack Indians again in the after life!
Card 07:
Religious quotes:
“The facts are never as thrilling as the stories we want to believe.”
“You can substitute fraud for Religion.”
“Goes along to get along”–Thin Red Line
African Americans make up 72% of Corona virus infected and 60% of the deaths!–NBC Nightly
Mount Rainier hasn’t erupted for 2,000 years. To walk around the base of the mountain is 93 miles! –America’s 58 National Parks.
State of Hawaii is 1,500 miles long!
Card 08:
Wind turbines stand about 600 feet tall, about the same height as the Gateway Arch, 630 feet tall.
Each single full rotation will power an average house for one day! The blades are roughly the size of the World’s largest passenger jet!
Each blade weighs almost 30 tons. MN: Blade rotation speed is roughly 150-180 MPH. Ref: 60 Minutes10/16/22
Hippocampus not only creates long term memory, but it retrieves long term memory. Recall that the hippocampus shrinks as we get older. This explains forgetfulness. MN: Everything we are conscious of goes through our Thalamus. Therefore, if our brain is dead, nothing is going through the Thalamus. So no floating above our body. No white light in a tunnel. No afterlife period.
Card 09:
1970 was the place in time where the Earth could sustain life on Earth. The population was 3.5 Billion. Now in 2023, the population is 8 Billion. Today, wild plants and animals are running out of places to live.
In the past 50 years, the abundance of wildlife has collapsed 69%!
To maintain our lifestyle around the Earth, you would need 5 more Earths!
Humanity is sitting on a limb that we are sawing off! – 60 Minutes January 2, 2023
Murders in almost every major U.S. city have surged. In Atlanta, homicides rose more than 60% in 2020, with 157 people killed.
Gangs, which generate as much as 90% of all violent crime in the state.–Time Oct/Nov 2021
It takes less than 2 minutes for a thief to jack up your parked car and power saw off your Catalytic converter. To replace it cost around $3,000!
Most thieves are gangs from out of town that “smash and grab loot” and converter have precious metals inside, so its a huge payoff for a small amount of work.
Card 10:
78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. 2022
57% of Americans have <$1,000 in savings!
Harry Truman’s approval dropped to 22% after he fires Douglas McArthur.
WWI: Trenches everywhere over 25,000 miles if put end to end. More than enough to circle the Earth.
Robert Tandy had Hitler at gunpoint but Robert didn’t have the heart to shoot him. If he did shoot Hitler, then Hitler would have died in WWI.
On the night of the long knives, Hitler eliminates nearly 100 of his political enemies. This gives Hitler complete control of his government.
Card 11:
The monopoly on Violence–Prime
In early civilizations, there were so many wars, so many deaths of mothers giving birth, and so many children dying from sickness and disease. Early “States”/(civilizations) had a very hard time getting the population to grow. Public school systems began in the 19th century.
(the 1800’s can you believe that!) Before this there were no public schools and most people could not read and write or do math!
Public schools are actually a prison. If a kid leaves school property he is a Truant. He will be picked up by police or truant officer and forced back to his school. If the parents allow the child to stay home and not go to school (Prison) the parents will be arrested and the child will be forced to return to school or go to jail!
Card 12:
The Transcontinental RR made the journey time to cross the Continent shrink from six months to one week! Took six years to build.
Built during the Civil War. Took six years to build. Ref: 10 things that changed America
Hoover Dam ha enough concrete to build a sidewalk around the Earth!
The Abrams super army tanks use helicopter engines to cruise at 45 mph. The helicopter engines are lightweight and have 500 HP.
Ref: Our Planet
Two thirds of Earth’s fresh water is frozen in the Artic and mountains. The ice is very thick and has been there for millions of years!
Card 13:
Ref: Journey from the center of the Sun. Every piece of matter above absolute zero produces light. Every piece of light comes from matter. Even us humans produce light Infrared light that a lion, tiger and snake can see.
A photon of light would only take 2 seconds if it could travel in a straight line from the core of the Sun to the Sun’s surface. It must overcome an obstacle course and fight it journey through 430,000 miles of magnetism and gravity before escaping the Sun’s surface. (Nuclear fusion in the core)
It takes hundreds of thousands of years, in many cases over a million years to escape the Sun and reach Earth.
Stars are made of Plasma. Plasma has no electrons. In fact most atoms have been ripped apart in plasma. Lightning is plasma.
When lightning strikes, it has ripped apart some atoms. When the electrons recombine, the Lightning disappears!
Card 14:
10 Things you didn’t know about money. In 1942, America recalls all currency in Hawaii. The military gathered and burned the money in Hawaii, roughly 200 million dollars!
There is 1.2 Trillion in U.S. currency today. Old bills are destroyed everyday! We shred 2.2 million dollars everyday! The shredded money goes to a special building where it will be burned and converted to steam, which will make electricity.
In 1862 America starts making paper money.
From 1933 to 1974, it was illegal to own gold.
Lincoln. Felt enslaved as a child. Never joined a Church, because it restricted free thinking. In earlier years wrote an essay denying the divinity of the Holy Bible. His friend convinced him he better change to a religious person if he wanted to run for a political office. So he did. He tore up his essay before a political rival got his hands on it.
Lincoln was afraid white people would not accept Blacks as equal Americans. He wanted Blacks separated from whites. He proposed to send the freed slaves to a colony on the Isthmus of Panama. The slaves wanted to stay here in America.
Lincoln often slept with men. He slept with one man, Joshua Speed for four years in Springfield, Ill. until 1837.
Lincoln created the secret service on April 4, 1865 on the day before he is assassinated!
Card 15:
J. Edgar Hoover. He was a peeping Tom as a kid. Later he had the largest porn collection in the world! Hoover was the world’s most successful sexual blackmailer. He did this for presidents and other high ranking officials and had the evidence cataloged. Then he blackmailed the people to become FBI informants.
FDR was the first president to live in the White House.
Quotes from “Planet of the Humans” documentary.
“It took humans tens of thousands of years to reach a population of 700 million. Then came the individual age with exploiting fossil fuels. Then, within 200 years the population exploded by ten times. ”
“Our impact for consumption also exploded.” My quote: “In my own lifetime world population went from 2 billion to 8 billion people!”
“People don’t like the fact that we are animals and that we are all going to die. So each culture invents beliefs on the origin of us and a cultural belief that they will escape death and live in paradise forever. MN: They insist that the party is never going to end!
This illusion that we can simply “Go green” and save our planet is “unsustainable”. Over population is ruining the Earth with climate change etc.
The Earth simply cannot sustain human damage to our planet and the human rate of consumption.”