Quick Edit Chaos Theories: Sacrificing firstborn of gods was common. Flashcards
Card 01: Continental land masses.
We have 7 major continental land masses today.
What pLant growth caused all this land to rise out of the oceans?
Lichen. Noun. Any of numerous complex plantlike organisms made up of an alga or a cyanobacterium and a fungus growing in symbiotic association on a solid surface (such as on a rock or the bark of trees)
Lichen is a fungus that grows on rocks and trees. This lichen breaks down rocks into microscopic particles.
These particles soften up hard rocks beneath the earth’s crust and turn them into a type of solvent that converts hard rocks into liquid lava.
This lava is in a liquid form and is fluid enough to flow out of volcanos thus creating more land.
Without the lichen to break down and emulsify the rocks, we wouldn’t have volcanos populating the tectonic plates and making new land right out of the ocean!
Examples of this happening are Iceland, Hawaii, Japan, etc.
Without lichen growing on trees and rocks, we wouldn’t have the continents of today. There would be almost no land on Earth and most life forms would live underwater.
It would be like the movie “Water World”.
Card 02: How did all these tropical islands appear out of the ocean?
The humphead parrot fish created them.
The parrot fish eats corals nonstop. Their feces comes out as white sand. The sand builds up into mounds then eventually the mounds build up to an island risen up out of the sea.
Birds gather on these islands and their feces contains seeds from plants and trees they fed upon from other lands and the sea. The bird feces grows new plants and trees upon the newly formed island and presto, we have a new tropical island!
Eads Bridge. Back in 1873 was considered the eighth wonder of the world.
Before the Eads bridge, there was no way to move large quantities of oil and materials across the Mississippi River.
We had ferry roads for ferries to move people and small quantities of materials but no way in the world to get trains full of oil to cross the mighty Mississippi and supply cities out west like Kansas City, Denver and the state of California. The west ended at St. Louis with no way to support economy and development past the Mississippi River.
It was this way for centuries!
Andrew Carnegie went into massive debt on a gamble that James Eads could build a giant bridge that would permit wagons and trains full of supplies to get past the Mississippi River and build the infrastructure of the American west.
Problem was that back then, one out of four bridges failed killing lots of people and losing the payload in the river. The Eads bridge would have to be a mile long, to span the river plus it had to withstand the strong currents of the river and support the heavy trains and payloads.
Nobody believed it was possible and confidence was low that people would ever use the bridge for fear of dying.
Carnegie knew how superstitious people were and there was the superstition that an elephant would not walk on an unstable structure.
So Carnegie led a large parade of people with an elephant in the lead to convince people the bridge was safe.
So nobody would use the bridge until they saw an elephant cross it. Then they became believers.
In addition to the above, the problem of getting past the Mississippi in either direction gave us the invention of cowboys. That is right. There was no way for a train to transport cattle West of the Mississippi River. So cowboys were invented to move cows on all lands west of the Mississippi.
How many people did the Aztecs (Mexico) sacrifice in order for the sun to rise each day?
(MN: Most ancient religions were sacrifice religions, where first borns were sacrificed daily. Later it was escalated where a king had to sacrifice his first born son. Finally a son of a god had to be sacrificed for the objectives to work. Hercules was created for this reason to be the world’s first savior. After that it went viral with new saviors popping up all around the world for centuries to this very day.
These ancient beliefs in saviors is the start of the saviors we have today, like Allah, Jesus, etc.)
The Aztec religion was polytheistic and centered around large pyramids that served as temples.
The most important god was the sun god Huitzilopochtli, and the Aztecs believed that their devotion to him ensured the reappearance of the sun each day. The sun god could only be appeased by blood, leading to large-scale human sacrifice of up to 20,000 persons per year. (54 per day average)
Also important was the Mayan god Quetzalcoatl, who variously appeared as a serpent or a light-skinned bearded man.
Moloch and most ancient gods demanded child sacrifice. With moloch, kings had to sacrifice their first born and Hercules was invented as the ultimate sacrifice. To sacrifice a god, then even better to sacrifice a gods son.
The Aztecs sacrificed 20, 000 people a year, just to make the sun come up the next day. By the time Jesus was here, a god’s firstborn son sacrifice was very common to hold the venerable positive of savior.
Micah 6:6–8 is an interesting one. In it child sacrifice is considered the greatest and highest form of sacrifice, for the prophet has a progression of three parts, pondering what would please Yahweh the most. Micah first considers sacrificing one-year-old calves, then he considers sacrificing thousands of rams, then he culminates in considering the highest offering he could give Yahweh, his firstborn son. His logic depends on child sacrifice being the greatest sacrifice of all, more than that of sacrificing the calves or rams, for the shocking conclusion of his ruminations is that even the greatest sacrifice is unacceptable to Yahweh without justice. We even read where the King of Moab sacrificed his son, which caused the Israelites to retreat in defeat. Moab’s sacrifice created a great “wrath” (ketzef), which was an external force to the warriors in the story, indicating that his sacrifice caused some divinity to act on behalf of Moab (2 Kings. 3:26–27). In the New Testament, God the Father sacrifices his only Son (Jesus) as the central redemptive act of Christianity,
I need to write a detailed explanation of god first born sons being a sacrificed savior in the ancient religions. Since this was so common back then, Jesus was but one of many god’s first born child who was sacrificed to become a savior.