Tháng 5 <3 Flashcards
dul‧cet /ˈdʌlsɪt/
sound - du dương êm ái
in‧trep‧id /ɪnˈtrepɪd/
co‧he‧sive /kəʊˈhiːsɪv $ koʊ-/
connected or related in a reasonable way to form a whole
san‧i‧ta‧ry /ˈsænətəri
relating to the ways that dirt, infection, and waste are removed, so that places are clean and healthy for people to live in SYN hygienic
com‧pa‧ri‧son /kəmˈpærəsən/
Started to gain momentum
bat dau co dc da thuan loi
normal a break in an activity, or a time during which something does not happen or exist
a brief/short/long hiatus
/ˈkæmi-əʊ $ -oʊ/
NO machine
All hand done - 100% handmade
Nước dùng
Made to individual order; custom-made.
In this bespoke world
bespoke tailor
oomph /ʊmf/
a quality that makes something attractive and exciting and that shows energy
It’s not a bad song, but it needs more oomph.
“get a feel for something”
to begin to understand how to do something well:
I practiced for a few hours before I really got a feel for the best way to do it.
not liking changes or new ideas
The phrases fresh off the boat (FOB), off the boat (OTB), banana boat (BB), or just simply boat are terms used to describe immigrants that have arrived from a foreign nation and have not yet assimilated into the host nation’s culture, language, and behavior, but still continue with their ethnic ideas and practices.
doc‧trine /ˈdɒktrɪn $ ˈdɑːk-/
countable, uncountable] a set of beliefs that form an important part of a religion or system of ideas
traditional doctrines of divine power
Marxist doctrine
ˌNew Year resoˈlution
a decision to do something better or to stop doing something bad in the new year
I haven’t made any New Year resolutions – I never stick to them anyway.
des‧ig‧nate1 /ˈdezɪɡneɪt/
1 to choose someone or something for a particular job or purpose
be designated something
The lake was recently designated a conservation area.
be designated as/for something
Funds were designated for projects in low-income areas.
be designated to do something
She has been designated to take over the position of treasurer.
… be SUCH A BIG THING in….
ses‧a‧me /ˈsesəmi/
Hat. me`
/fəʊm $ foʊm/
morph /mɔːf $ mɔːrf/ verb [intransitive, transitive]
to develop a new appearance or change into something else, or to make something do this
morph into
The river flooded its banks and morphed into a giant sea that swamped the town.
con‧di‧ment /ˈkɒndəmənt $ ˈkɑːn-/ noun [countable] formal
powder or liquid, such as salt or ketchup, that you use to give a special taste to food
des‧sert /dɪˈzɜːt $ -ɜːrt/
des‧ert1 /ˈdezət $ -ərt/
(N): A Small Waterfall
(V)pour downward rapidly and in large quantities.
Right on the edge of ….
Dung giua ranh gioi giua AAAA & BBBB ( delicious & pain)
pun‧gent /ˈpʌndʒənt/
1 —- having a strong taste or smell
pungent smell/aroma/odour etc
the pungent odour of garlic
2 —– formal pungent speech or writing is clever and direct, and usually criticizes someone or something strongly
He expressed some fairly pungent criticisms.
im‧per‧a‧tive1 /ɪmˈperətɪv/
extremely important and needing to be done or dealt with immediately
It is imperative that politicians should be good communicators.
it is imperative (for somebody) to do something
It is imperative to meet face to face with the client.
I feel like the fish sauce is extremely imperative
Safe to say ……
Co the noi la
It would be very motivational to ….
Drastically different
Khac nhau nhieu
ləʊn $ loʊn/
/rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə $ -ər/
Stop from breathing
It looks like he is choking. Probably he’s eating too fastfast
Throughout the holidays, the streets are choked with cars
The planet is choking
if a person or animal trots, they run fairly slowly, taking short regular steps
Globetrotting - Globetrotter
Travel a lot internationally
(adj) : Globetrotting tourist
(n) : Globetrotting is nice, but it’s hard to get family
Cost the Earth
Very very very expensive
- It’s a beautiful dress, but it costs the earth. I certainly can’t afford it.
- The wedding cost them the earth, but you can’t put a price on love.
Cost efficient
Hiệu quả, đáng tiền, hợp lý
ALTERNATE /ˈɑːl.tɝː.nət/
I had a dessert with alternate layers of chocolate and cream. (Tôi đã ăn món tráng miệng có một lớp socola rồi đến một lớp kem luân phiên nhau).
He has to work on alternate Sundays. (Anh ấy phải làm việc vào Chủ Nhật cách tuần).
Unfolded (v)
Be revealed, disclosured
(events, days, disaster, situations & dramas) ==> Dramatic nature of the eventsevents
The CEO was forced to resign when the scandal unfolded.
No one knew how the situation would unfold, so everyone kept quiet and waited.
fewer in number than
I voted to stay but I was outnumbered by those who wanted to leave.
City were outnumbered by United after their defender was sent off.
goes into meltdown
goes out of control
He goes into meltdown every time we mention a mistake he’s made.
The website went into meltdown within minutes. Too many people wanted tickets.
(N) Acoholic
(V) He boozes everyday
Everybody will be boozing at the party
(n) a boozer : ppl who drink of a PUB (Place)
• It was difficult to get up today. There was a lot of booze at last night’s party.
• Too much boozing can lead to serious health problems
calls time on
announces the end of an activity
• Neil’s called time on using the internet. He’s had enough of it.
• Environmentalists say we have to call time on fossil fuels.
/kæˈʃɪə $ -ˈʃɪr/
day of reckoning
a time when you have to deal with a past mistake
• Catherine had a day of reckoning with her garden after the weeds started to take over.
• Some people say social media’s day of reckoning will happen soon.
mar‧i‧nade (N)
Nước ướp
(V): marinate
a mixture of oil and spices in which meat or fish is put for a time before being cooked
/lʌɡˈzjʊəriəs, ləɡˈʒʊəriəs $ ləɡˈʒʊriəs/
bất thường
check to see if there is any abnormality
knowingly deliberately purposely
/dɪˈvaʊə / eat eagerly , ngau nghien
-Make sure you take some cake immediately or the team will devour it before you can
-She’s an avid reader and can easily devour 3 books a week
Usher in
cause an action to start/ begin or process
The next generation smartphones will usher in great changes for everyone
The new anti-discrimination law ushered in an era of fairness and equality for all
Significantly = By a substantial amount
be in congruence with St.
formal fitting together well
Tương thích, đồng nhất, phù hợp
someone who opposes or fights against people in authority
someone who refuses to do things in the normal way, or in the way that other people want them to
It’s neck & neck with ….
Xêp ngang hàng với ….
be in limbo
a situation in which nothing happens or changes for a long period of time, and it is difficult to make decisions or know what to do, often because you are waiting for something else to happen first
be in limbo
I’m in limbo now until I know whether I’ve got the job.
limbo of
the limbo of his eight years in jail
[transitive] to completely understand and begin to use new ideas, information etc SYN absorb
It will take time to assimilate all these facts.
2 [intransitive, transitive] if people assimilate, or are assimilated into a country or group, they become part of that group and are accepted by the people in that group
assimilate into
Refugees find it difficult to become assimilated into the community.
pref‧e‧ra‧bly /ˈprefərəbli/
sed in order to show which person, thing, place, or idea you think would be the best choice
Students must take two years of a foreign language, preferably Spanish.