Thalassaemia Flashcards
Define thalassaemia
Group of genetic disorders characterised by a defect in globin chain synthesis
Aetiology of thalassaemia
Alpha - Mutation in alpha globin gene (Chr 16) -> reduced/impaired production
Beta - Mutation in beta-globin gene (Chr 11) -> reduced/absent synthesis -> ineffective erythropoiesis. Autosomal recessive inheritance
What are the types of alpha thalassaemia
1-2 gene deletion: Microcytic hypochromic red cells, no anaemia - Alpha (+)
3 gene deletion: Microcytic hypochromic anaemia, splenomegaly
4 gene deletion: Hb Barts and intrauterine death (hydrops fetalis) - Alpha (0)
What are the types of beta thalassaemia
Thalassaemia Major → No globin production, homozygous, both copies affected, B0/B+
Thalassaemia Intermedia → Mild defect in synthesis → reduced alpha chains or increased gamma chains
Trait → Carrier, asymptomatic, mild microcytic anaemia, raised RBC
HbE beta
Epidemiology of thalassaemia
Most common in Cyprus, Mediterranean, Middle East etc.
Alpha distribution corresponds to that of Malaria exposure (Sub-Saharan Africa etc.)
Hb Barts most common in SE Asia
Presenting symptoms of thalassaemia
Anaemia: fatigue, pallor, dizziness, SOB
Alpha - either asymptomatic (+), jaundice gallstones
Beta- presents at 3-6 months, failure to thrive and prone to infections
Signs of thalassaemia
Alpha - normal (+), jaundice, splenomegaly, gallstones, facial dysmorphism, growth retardation (HbH)
Beta - pallor, malaise, dyspnoea, mild jaundice, frontal bossing, hepatosplenomegaly
Investigations for Thalassaemia
FBC: microcytic anaemia, platelets + WBC mildly elevated
Iron studies: mormal
Blood film
Hb electrophoresis: Absent or reduced HbA and raised HbA2 + HbF
LFTs - elevated LDH + bilirubin
Genetic testing: confirms (rare)
Skull and long bone XR : widening of diploeic space, facial deformity
Bone Marrow: erythroid hyperplasia
What is seen on blood film for thalassaemia
Microcytic, hypochromic RBCs Poikilocytosis Howell Jolly bodies Nucleated RBCs Target cells Elevated reticulocyte count
Beta: Alpha globin precipitates and Pappenheimer bodies
Perl’s stain - Pappenheimer bodies demonstrated by blue stain