Macrocytic anaemia Flashcards
Define Macrocytic Anaemia
Anaemia (reduced Hb) with high MCV >100fL
Aetiology of Macrocytic Anaemia
Megaloblastic Vitamin B12 deficiency (pernicious anaemia, post-gastrectomy, terminal ileal resection, Crohn's, vegan diet) Folate deficiency (alcoholics, elderly, coaliac, preganancy, lactation) Drugs e.g. methotrexate, hydroxyurea, azathioprine, zidovudine
Non-megaloblastic Alcohol excess Haemolysis Liver disease Myelodysplasia Multiple Myeloma Hypothyroidism Drugs e.g. imatinib
Epidemiology of Macrocytic anaemia
More common in elderly and females
pernicious anaemia is the most common cause of vit B12 deficiency worldwide
Symptoms of Macrocytic anaemia
Anaemia: SOB, pallor, fatigue
Symptoms of cause: weight loss, diarrhoea, steatorrhoea, malnutrition, jaundice, hypothyroidism
Pernicious anaemia: jaundice, glossitis, angular stomatitis, weight loss
Hx of autoimmune disease, GI surgery etc.
Signs of Macrocytic anaemia
Anaemia: pallor, tachycardia
Pernicious anaemia: jaundice (lemon skin), glossitis (red, sore), angular stomatitis, weight loss
Vit B12: Peripheral neuropathy, Ataxia, Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord, Optic atrophy, Dementia
Investigations for Macrocytic Anaemia
FBC: Reduced Hb, raised MCV >100, pancytopenia (megaloblastic), cytopenia (myelodysplasia)
LFTs: raised bilirubin (ineffective erythropoiesis or haemolysis)
ESR: checking for causes
TFTs: exclude hypothyroidism
Serum B12: Exclude B12 deficiency
Serum antibodies: pernicious anaemia
Serum protein electrophoresis: exclude multiple myeloma
Blood film: large erythrocytes (macrocytes) or macro-ovalocytes and hyper-segmented neutrophil (megaloblastic)
Schilling’s test: B12 (rarely used)
Bone marrow biopsy: megaloblasts (nucleated red cells), myelodysplastic changes
Management for Macrocytic anaemia
Pernicious anaemia: IM hydroxycobalamin (3x weekly for 2 weeks, every 3 months for life)
Vitamin B12 deficiency: treated first if present (worsens neurological/subacute combined degeneration of the cord complications if second)
Folate deficiency: Oral folic acid (1–4 months or until recovery)
Complications of Macrocytic anaemia
Pernicious anaemia: Increased risk of gastric cancer
Folate deficiency and pregnancy: spina bifida