Thalamus and Hypothalamus Flashcards
Constituent parts of the diencephalon?
Thalamus + Hypothalamus + Subthalamus
Describe the anatomical location of the thalamus
- Sits just inferior to the posterior half of the corpus callosum
- Sits ventral to the lateral ventricles
- Sits lateral to the 3rd ventricle on either side (divided in 2 by the 3rd ventricle)
- There may be a vestigeal connection connecting each side of the thalamus, but not in most people
Describe the anatomical location of the hypothalamus, in relation to the thalamus and otherwise
- Hypothalamus is just inferior to the thalamus and superior to the midbrain and infundibulum (pituitary stalk)
- Anterior and posterior borders include the anterior commisure and the mammilary bodies respectively
How does the thalamus organise itself..
1) In relation fo the forebrain?
2) Functionally?
1) Ipsilateral connections with the forebrain - the part of the thalamus on RHS will connect with the RHS forebrain
2) Discrete nuclei with separate functions
1) General function principles of the thalamus (i.e. what does it do overall, basically)?
2) Thalamic functions in regards to the sensory system, and one exception?
- Relay centre between the cerebral cortex and the rest of the CNS
- Integration and modification of information as it goes through the thalamus
- Key relay centre to cortical sensory areas
- Enhances / restricts signals
- Exception: olfaction / olfactory function not represented
What are the 4 classifications of thalamic nuclei?
1. SPECIFIC - Connected to primary cortical areas
2. ASSOCIATION - Connected to association cortex
3. RETICULAR - Not connected to cortex
4. INTRALAMINAR - Connected to ALL cortical areas
Function of the following thalamic nuclei…
1) Lateral Geniculate?
2) Medial Geniculate?
- Relay information from the retina to the primary visual cortex
- Relay information from the inner ear to the primary auditory cortex
Which 2 thalamic nuclei relay sensory information (in regards vibration, proprioception and touch, not like hearing or visual) - somatosensory function, and from which parts of the body?
- Ventral posterolateral - somatosensory (body)
- Ventral posteromedial - somatosensory (head)
Which 2 thalamic nuclei relay motor information, and what do they relay with in order to fulfill this function?
- Ventral lateral + ventral anterior
- Relay information with:
- Primary motor cortex
- Premotor cortex (association cortex)
- Supplementary cortex (association cortex)
Outline the somatosensory pathway step-wise, beginning with initial detection of the stimulus
- Vibration, proprioception and touch are detected by receptors - stimulates neurone
- Transmission along neurone that travels via dorsal root ganglion along into dorsal column tract of the spine - this is the primary sensory neurone
- The primary sensory neurone terminates at either the gracile or cuneate nuclei at the level of the medulla. The sensory decussation is also at this level, and decussation also occurs past here
- Secondary sensory neurone synapses with primary sensory neurones at the gracile / cuneate nuclei
- Secondary sensory neurone travels up, then terminates at the thalamus, where dependent on the source of the initial stimulation (body or head), either the ventral posterolateral or ventral posteromedial nuclei respectively relays this sensory information to the primary somatosensory cortex
What are association cortices?
Parts of the cortex which are not primary cortical areas which aid the function of these primary cortical areas
What are the 3 thalamic divisions of the association cortices and describe what / where they are?
- Prefrontal cortex - most of the frontal lobe except for the primary motor cortex and some other motor cortical areas
- Parieto-tempero-occipital cortex - consists of all of the cortex in the parietal, temporal and occipital lobes except for the primary cortical areas
- Cingulate cortex - follows the line of the corpus callosum (can be viewed when looking at the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere)
Which thalamic nuclei function to relay information with the following association cortices?
1) Cingulate + prefrontal
2) Parieto-temporo-occipital + prefrontal
- Anterior
- Lateral dorsal
- Dorsomedial
- Lateral posterior
- Pulvinar
Which 2 types of nuclei are involved in the reticular activating system (RAS)?
- Intralaminar
- Reticular
What are intralaminar thalamic nuclei - i.e. the general principle?
A classification of thalamic nuclei that connect to all cortical areas - diffuse cortical projections