Th3.3: Short-run and Long-run Shut-down Points Flashcards
When a business is making a loss, it may not necessarily be the best decision to shut down straight away - what does this depend on?
depends on the average variable cost
If AVC < AR then…
firms should continue production - each good they make will generate more revenue than it cost for them to make it, and so this will help reduce the size of the loss by covering some of the fixed cost - should only shut down when their fixed costs increase
However, if AVC > AR…
then producing more goods will increase the loss. as a result they should leave the industry immediately
In the long run, what do firms need to do?
make at least normal profit for them to stay in the industry
What should firms do in the short run?
produce as long as their revenue covers their variable costs
Hence the short run shut-down point is…
where AVC = AR
Why do firms tend to produce on the short run point even though it doesn’t affect their losses?
as they do not want to let go of their workers or let down customers
Refer to PP
Look at Graph 33. In the diagram, the business produces in…
the short run and will continue to do so
Refer to PP
Look at Graph 33. Where will they produce if they are profit maximising?
where MR = MC at the output Q1
Refer to PP
Look at Graph 33. This will mean their price, P1, will be determined by… and their costs, C1, will be determined by…
the AR curve at this level of output, and their costs determined by the AC curve
Refer to PP
Look at Graph 33. What does the shaded area represent?
the loss
Refer to PP
Look at Graph 33. Why will they produce in the short run?
their AVC cost is only C2 and AR > AVC