Textbook Flashcards
Latent inhibition
If you are pre- exposed to a stimulis and this exposure does not lead to any consequences (reinforement or punishments) it acts as a way of reducing the likelihood that it will be associated with A consequence in the future
Ex. If you eat chicken nuggets every year for 5 years and never get sick from them and then one day you eat chicken nuggets and then Pizza and get food poisoning you are less likely to attribute the sickness to the chicken nuggets
Surprise and prediction
After there is a repeated pairing of the (US) and (cs) the initial surprise of the (cs) is no longer present and now the organism just predicts the (cs) will be presented after the ( US)
Higher order conditioning
The (cs) becomes the (US) and can form more pairings to the initial (US) even though It is not directly
Associations build on eachother
Evolutionary psychology defining characteristics
Its attention to biology and genetics as a source of explanation for human learning
Behaviours that are instinctual (pecking in pigeons) become rewarded and the pigeon will eventually learn the contingency without explicit training
What is an examples of biological constraints
Instinctive drift
Looks for biological explanations of social behaviour
Most important assumption of sociobiology
Humans are biologically predisposed to certain Social behaviours
Information about the brain is derived from what?
Studies of brain injury
Imaging and scanning techniques
Physical examinations of the brain
What neurotransmitter can explain the rewarding and addictive effects of drugs
Left vs. Right hemisphere
Left: more logical functions
Right: more emotional functions
Cell assembly (hebb)
Separate neutrons can fire in a circular pattern
Phase sequence (hebb)
Simataniousley active cell assemblies activate eachother mutually
Which two processes involve chemical changes at the level of the neuron
Long term potentiation
Long term depression
Set and attention
Set refers to the selectivity among responses
Attention refers to the selectivity among inputs