Textbook 1 Flashcards
Processive Stressor
A stressor that involves information processing
- Understanding the threat requires multiple and complex cognitive processes
Psychogenic stressor
A purely physiological nature
Physical/neurogenic stressors
Stressors associated with a certain illness or pain
Systemic stressors
Does not involve any information processing, it entails an insult to our biological system
–> We might not be aware of them
Is there one stress center in the brain?
No, there appear to be multiple pathways that respond to different types of stressors
Psychosocial stressors have more of an effect on ___
Job strain or competition stressors have more effect on ____
Anticipation stressors are usually accompanied by
Ambiguous stressors are usually accompanied by
disorganized cogntions
Do stressors occur in isolation from one another?
No, you can have many stressors and different types of stressors at one time
Which type of stressor may affect our endocrine system and make us depressed-like
Systemic stressors
How could our lack of awareness of systematic stressors make us think we are depressed
Because the internal illness produces depression-like behaviours, but if we do not know we are sick then we assume we are just depressed
Can we compare whether one stressor is more severe than another?
Not really because each stressor has its own unique characteristics
In what ways is having control over the occurrence and termination of a stressor beneficial?
It has been proven to help people both physiologically and physically
It is not the ability to control the stressor itself that helps but rather__
the ability to control the stressor’s termination
How does failure affect performance?
Students who perform an unsolvable task will perform just as poorly as depressed individuals on a subsequent task
The impacts of stressors on psychological and physical well being is influenced by:
Predictability vs Uncertainty
Predictability = knowing an event will happen but not when Uncertainty = not knowing whether an event will happen or not
How do people deal with uncertainty?
Some people take a laid back view but other people do not deal with it well and it can be potentially pathogenic
When the stimulus context does not provide sufficient or inconsistent information so you cannot determine whether and when an event will occur
Which events are more unpleasant: predictable or unpredictable and why?
Unpredictable, because we cannot prepare, and we might be on edge all the time until it happens
What does a high intolerance for uncertainty predict?
Anxiety and information seeking behaviours
What are the 2 appraisal processes of uncertainty and what does it mean?
When people encounter a negative situation (inference) they try to look for hope despite the odds (illusion)
–> Expect the worst but hope for the best
Black Swan Theory
Major events happen so infrequently and are mainly unpredictable, but they have a strong impact so people start to believe that we should have been able to predict it had we only had the right data
How do chronic and predictable stressors affect us>
We are often able to adapt and even take charge of the situation
Homotypic stressors
Stressors that are chronic but don’t change
Heterotypic stressors
Stressors that are chronic, intermittent, unpredictable, ambiguous and vary across days
Are heterotypic or homotypic stressors harder to adapt to?
Heteropytic because they vary so much
“Type 2” allostatic overload
Is the result of social conflict or other forms of social disturbances
What are some reasons why stress scales do not work?
- Do not consider situation/context
- Some stressors also have positive valence
- Are asked after events have occurs (retrospective bias)
How to deal with minor stressor
- Don’t have a melt down
2. Put things in perspective
What is mindfullness?
To appraise the present situation properly, without worrying about secondary issues and not being negative automatically
What is the best real time way to collect data on stress
Have participants keep a diary
How susceptible a person is to a psychological or physical health issues
Factors that limit or prevent these events from having adverse effects, or the ability to recover
What illnesses result from stress for a particular person?
The “weak link” is where people will usually show illness when there is a stressor
Characteristics that influence resilience
Self efficacy, internal locus of control, optimism, hardiness, hope, self empowerment, and acceptance of illness
What are 2 things that can make it hard to study the genetics of a disease?
- The illness has to be properly diagnosed
2. The same illness can be many different symptoms
When a single gene can have more than a single phenotype outcome
How can we observe the role of genes in animals
We can delete or insert a gene and see what effects that has on the animal
Endophenotypical analyses (Individualized treatment)
Trying to find genes related to symptoms of a specific illness, and using that information to inform treatment choices
Personality trait most tied with stress reactivity
Do only young people become neurologically affected by stressful events?
No, stressful events at any age can result in profound brain changes and mental health disorders can emerge as a result
How does stress of a pregnant mother affect the fetus?
Corticotropin releasing hormone enters the uterus and can effect the prenatal brain
When are teratogens the most harmful to the fetus?
In the first trimester
Why can it be difficult to determine how postnatal children are affected by stressors
Because we do not know if they process stressors the same way adults do