Text 6 Flashcards
Consists of fulfilling the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations, while ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental care and social well-being.
Rough or uneven
Soured on
To stop like or being interested in something or to cause someone to stop liking or being interested in something
Being very careful about how much money you spend
To provide the money to pay for event, activity, or organization
To flip through
To look quickly through a book, magazine, website, etc. Without reading everything
Frown on
To disapprove of
Growing, expanding or developing rapidly
To take off
To leave or go away
Pertaining to the whole world, worldwide; universal
To make something more powerful
At triple its prior valuation
An estimation of the worth of something
A commissioned person has been formally asked to produce something by a person in authority
Curated resellers
Carefully chosen and thoughtfully organized / a person or company sells something they have bought to someone else
Personal attire
Bloom is now coming off the rose
The person, object, or a situation identified in the context has lost its novelty, freshness, appeal, or acceptability
An attitude that shows you doubt whether something is true or useful
To declare or maintain with certainty; be sure that
It swung to a loss
When you are in a puzzled, perplexed, instate of uncertainty
Bricks and mortar competition
Business that has atleast one physical location that customers can visit
Struggles to beat
To take some considerable effort to match or surpass
To have a romantic relationship with someone that you hope to marry
To do well in a particular kind of situation
Vouches off
To say that something or someone is honest, true, or good
Overeat or eat immodestly
To get an advantage from