Texas Notes Flashcards
Class A Pharmacy
Community pharmacy
Class A-S Pharmacy
Sterile compounding - Must be inspected by board prior to initial & renewal license issuance
Class A pharmacy PIC requirements?
PIC must be employed FT
If Automated Dispensing Machine is used in a Class A pharmacy what requirements must be met?
Must be inspected monthly
Product is unable to dispense until RPH performs verification that medication was loaded correctly & signed into a log
Supervision for remote dispensing sites?
May be electronic
Tx Class A RPH:Tech Ratio?
1 of the 4 must be certified, max 3 tech trainees
ID requirements for Class A pharmacy?
Required at all times
Lunch rules for Pharmacists?
30 min break is permitted.
What are rules surrounding Pharmacist lunch breaks?
- Interns may act as a pharmacy technician during this time
- Previously verified Rx’s may be dispensed
- Notice must be posted to public to indicate when the RPh left and will return.
Counseling Requirements
Provided to new and existing patients of a pharmacy with each Rx
Document through initials or RPh ID #
Is reinforced with written communication
What must occur if counseling is refused?
Must be documented
What constitutes a new Rx?
A prescription that has not been dispensed by the pharmacy to the patient in the same dosage form, strength within the last year
What must be included in written counseling support documentation?
Must contain label statement
“Do not flush unused medication or pour down a sink or drain”.
Non Prescription Schedule V rules
Codiene containing products may not be dispensed without a prescription
Class B Pharmacy>
Nuclear Pharmacy
Class B inspection requirements?
Must be inspected by board prior to initial and renewal license issuance
PIC Requirements for Class B pharmacy?
Must be a licensed nuclear pharmacist
Class B pharmacist:tech ratio?
1 tech must be certified and authorized to handle radioactive materials
Maximum 3 technician trainees
Class C pharmacy
Institutional pharmacy
Class C-S pharmacy
Sterile compounding
Class C-S inspection requirements
must be inspected by the board prior to initial and renewal licensure issuance
Supervision requirements for class C pharmacy
100 beds or less – technicians may be supervised electronically
Rph supervisor can be on a part time basis but needs to be on site at least every 7 days.
Pharmacist must be on call at all times
Only low risk sterile products may be compounded under remote supervision
Class C Pharmacy’s C-II inventory requirements
Must be stored in locked storage cabinet, perpetual inventory is required
Control substance handling for Ambulatory Surgical Centers - (ASC)
Perpetual inventory for C II-V
Must be reconciled weekly.
Class D Pharmacy?
Clinic Pharmacy
Class D Pharmacy PIC requirements
PIC may be employeed part time or as a contract worker.
PIC’s may be retained by more than one clinic.
Documented periodic onsite visits are required by the RPH.
Class D Pharmacy Training?
Inservice training but be provided annually for support staff who are providing drugs,
Class D (Clinic) Pharmacy formularies are limited to what?
Anti-infectives Musculoskeletal drugs Vitamins OB/GYN Topicals Vaccines
They can not contain
- Nalbuhine
- ED Medications
- CI-V
May Class D pharmacy’s expand their formularies?
Yes - is their population is >80% they may petition board for expanded formulary
At what cadence must a Class D pharmacy resubmit their petition for an expanded formulary?
Petition must be resubmitted with each biennial renewal application
Class D Pharmacists must conduct what quarterly?
Retrospective DUR - must be done by Class D staff pharmacist.
Class E Pharmacy?
Nonresident pharmacy
Class E-S Pharmacy?
Nonresident - sterile compounding pharmacy.
What must occur in a Class E-S pharmacy in order for renewal licenses to be granted?
Must be inspected by the board or a designee within the last renewal period.
Class E pharmacy PIC requirements?
PIC must be licensed in Texas
Class F Pharmacy?
Pharmacies located in a freestanding emergency medical facility.
Class F pharmacy PIC requirements?
PIC may be employed part time or as a contract work.
They may be retained by one or more clinic.
Class F Pharmacy inventory requirements?
Class F Pharmacies shall maintain a perpetual inventory or controlled substances (C II-V)
Inventory should be verified for completeness and reconciled at least one time per week the pharmacy is open.
Class F Pharmacy must have Distribution records randomly audited at what cadence?
required every 30 days
Class G Pharmacy?
Central Prescription drug or medication order processing pharmacy.
How are class G pharmacies unique?
They may not store bulk medications or dispense prescription drug orders.
PIC Requirements of Class G pharmacy?
PIC must be employed full time.
Class G pharmacy pharmacist:technician ratio?
At least 7 must be technicians (max 1 trainee)
Technician supervision requirements for Class G pharmacies?
Electronic supervision is permitted for data entry technicians.
Class H pharmacy?
Limited prescription delivery pharmacy.
May Class H pharmacies store bulk medication?
May Class H pharmacies dispense medications?
Can Class H pharmacies deliver controls?
PIC requirements for Class H pharmacies?
PIC may be employed part time or as a contract worker.
Class H pharmacy requirement (in order to exist)
Must be owned by a hospital and located in an area without another pharmacy.
Preceptor to intern ratio requirement for College of pharmacy program related roles?
No ratio requirement for preceptors supervising intern-trainees & student -interns as part of a Texas college/school of pharmacy program.
PY-1 may only work during times and in sites assigned by a Texas college/school of pharmacy.
Successfully completed PY-1 and obtained a minimum of 30 credits toward a professional degree in pharmacy.
Student-intern license expires when?
6 months post-graduation, if intern fails NAPLEX or MPJE or disenrolls from school.
Remains in effect for 2 years
Graduated from ACPE-accredited college of pharmacy and is completing a residency program.
Pharmacist-Intern duties?
May perform any duty of a pharmacist under the direct supervision of a preceptor.
Intern:Preceptor ratio?
When may a pharmacist intern perform all the duties of a pharmacist?
When under the direct supervision of a preceptor only. – Otherwise they may perform same duties as a technician.
Pharmacist intern to pharmacist (not preceptor)
How to become a pharmacy technician?
Must pass a certification program.
How often in pharmacy technician license renewal?
Pharmacy technician continuing education requirement?
20 hours
Validate with book CEU vs CE
May tech check techs in dispensing for automated dispensing machines?
This is permitted in Class C pharmacies with ongoing clinical pharmacy programs.
Pharmacy technician trainees licensing?
Expires after 2 years? Not renewable.
Pharmacy technician trainee continuing education requirements?
No CE requirements
May pharmacy technician trainees engage in tech check tech?
Board of Pharmacy composition
7 Pharmacists
1 Technician
3 Public members
How do you get on the Tx BoP?
Appointed by governor
BoP Tx Requirements for membership
Must be resident of Tx, actively practicing for past 5 years
Must complete a training program developed by executive director
BoP member term limits?
Staggered 6 year terms, may not serve more than 2 consecutive terms
Who appoints Tx BoP president?
Texas Governor
Who appoints Tx BoP VP?
Membership vote
Who appoints Tx BoP Treasurer?
Membership vote
Who appoints other Tx BoP officers?
Membership vote
How often must the Tx BoP meet?
Meet at least once every 4 months.
Who is the executive director of the Tx BoP?
Full time employee and must be an RPH
How must the Tx BoP handle complaints?
Must acknowledge complaint within 30 days of receipt
Complaints are not accepted for incidents happening >7 years ago.
New pharmacist eligibility for licensure
1500 intern hours
- May not credit >50 hrs/week
5 attempts allowed for NAPLEX and MPJE
both of the above must be used within 2 yrs to apply for licensure.
New Pharmacist Licensing - After passing tests what next?
30 day license once MPJE and NAPLEX are passed, initial license application must be submitted within 30 days.
Pharmacist License Renewal
Pharmacist License Renewal penalties kick in after?
> 1 yr expired
Pharmacist CE requirements
30 hours per two years, must maintain records for 3 years
Preceptor Requirements
1 year experience as an RPh or 6 months residency training.
Initial certificate and renewal needed
3 hr CE training program
Preceptor Ratio
No ratio for preceptors supervising intern-trainees or student-interns as part of a Tx college of pharmacy program.