Texas Internal Medicine 1 Flashcards
Timing of EKG changes with MI ?
ST elevation (2mm+) = immediately T-wave inversion = hrs to years Q-waves = last forever
ST elevation in V1-V4 ?
Anterior heart wall
ST elevation in II, III, aVF ?
2,3,floor = Inferior
ST elevation in V4 with right sided EKG?
R-ventricle = RCA
- 100% specific
ST elevation in I, aVL, V4-V6
- Circumflex
Hypotension Tachycardia Clear lungs JVD NO pulsus paradoxus Dx?
Right ventricle infarct
DON’T give nitro
Tx = aggressive fluid resuscitation
New wide flat QRS
- stemi
Patient comes in with chest pain. What are first 2 tests in order?
2. Cardiac enzymes
When do the 3 cardiac enzymes peak?
Myoglobin = 2 hours
CKMB = 24 hours
Troponin I = 24-48 hours
When are the 3 cardiac enzymes normal?
Myoglobin = 24 hours
CKMB = 72 hours
Troponin I = 7-10 days
How treat NSTEMI?
MONA B Morphine Oxygen Nitrates Aspirin/clopidogrel B-blocker
When choose CABG over stenting?
If left main coronary disease
If 3 vessel disease
If 2 vessel + DM
. . . with > 70% occlusion, pain despite max medical therapy
What are discharge meds for post MI or post stent?
Aspirin \+ clopidogrel 9-12 mos if stent B-blocker ACEi Statin Short acting nitrates
What is diagnosis if chest pain + no ST elevation + normal enzymes x3?
Unstable angina
What are drugs for chemical stress test?
What is positive finding on exercise EKG for unstable angina?
Chest pain is reproduced
ST depression
. . . will need coronary angiography if +
Main cause of death post MI ?
Arrhythmias especially V-fib
New systolic murmur 5-7 days s/p MI?
Papillary muscle rupture
Acute severe hypotension after MI?
Ventricular free wall rupture
Step up in O2 concentration from RA to RV s/p MI?
Ventricular septal rupture
Persistent ST elevation 1 mo s/p MI?
Ventricular wall aneurysm
Cannon A-waves s/p MI?
- V-fib
- 3rd degree heart block
5-10 weeks s/p MI get pleuritic chest pain + low grade temp?
Dressler Syndrome
- autoimmuni pericarditis
Tx: NSAIDs + aspirin
Chest pain worse w/ inspiration
…better w/ leaning forward
What expect on ascultation?
What expect on EKG?
Friction rub
Diffuse ST elevation
Chest pain worse w/ palpation?
Chest pain w/ hx viral infection + murmur?
Young patient w/ chest pain at rest, worse at night, few CAD risk factors + migraine HA
Prinzmetal’s angina
- see transient ST elevation during episodes only