tetanus Flashcards
what is tetanus?
tetanus also known as lockjaw is an infection characterised by muscle spasm.
tetanus is which type of infection?
Bacteria infection
who are most common effects?
jaw and back extensor & hip extensor
days to week
where tetanus begins?
jaw then progress to body
bacteria name?
bacterium clostridium
sign & symptoms
•tetanus often begins with mild spasm in the jaw muscle-also know as lockjaw or trismus.
•the spasm can also affect the facial muscle resulting in an appearance called risus sardonicus .
•chest,neck,back,abdominal muscle and buttock maybe affected.
•back muscle spasm often cause arching called opisthotonos.
•sometimes the spasm affect muscle that help with breathing which can lead to breathing problems
•prolonged muscular action causes sudden,powerful and painful contraction of muscle groups which is called tetany
•this episode can cause fracture and muscle tears
•other symptoms:
-excessive sweating
-hand or foot spasm
-difficulty swallowing
-heart attack
-breathing problems
-irregular heartbeat
-uncontrolled urination & defecation
where they bacteria survive?