Tests of significance Flashcards
Tests for significance(Z test,t test,Anova test)
Criteria for applying Z and t test
For large samples(value>30) ____Z test
For small samples(value<30)____t test
Criteria for applying
1. Sample should be selected Randomly(simple random sample)
2. Homogeneity of variance in two samples
3. Variable should be normally distributed and data should be quantitative(for t test)
Student t test. Vs. Paired t test
Student t test compares two groups
Paired t test same individual or group is compare for continous variable before and after treatment. Eg. BP testing before and after treatment
Homogeneity of variance is tested by
Using “F test”
Anova test
Used for comparison of means of several groups.
More than two groups
Assumption of Anova test
Individuals in various groups should be selected by Random Sampling.
Variables under study group should follow Normal Distribution.
Variables ofthe group should be Homogenous(tested by variance ratio test)
Samples comprising the group should be independent