tests and measurements Flashcards
Body functions and structures tests
clinical observation of motor and postural skills- COMPS
selective control assessment of the lower extremity - SCALE
Pediatric balance scale - PBS
Pediatric functional reach test - PFRT
Modified Ashworth scale - MAS
Six minute walk test
activity tests
Gross motor function measure -GMFM
timed Up and go
bruininks oseretsky test of motor proficiency BOT-3
Peabody developmental motor scales second edition PDMS-3
Pediatric evaluation of disability inventory PEDI PEDICAT
Pediatric neuromuscular recovery scale Peds NRS
Participation tests
Canadian occupational performance measure COPM
Children’s assessment of participation and enjoyment CAPE
Preferences for activities of children PAC
School function assessment SFA
Pediatric quality of life inventory PEDS QL
AIMS - Alberta infant motor scale
ICF- activity
Norm referenced
Identifies gross motor delays and evaluates motor performance overtime
birth to 18 months
Observation of spontaneous movements
PDMS-3 Peabody developmental motor scales
ICF activity
Norm referenced
Assess gross motor and fine motor skills
Birth to five years
Observation and direct assessment of child
BOT-3 bruininks oseretsky test of motor proficiency
ICF body structures and function/activity
Norm referenced
Assess higher level motor skills
4 to 25 years
Direct assessment using the kit to administer 8 subscales
SATCo segmental assessment of trunk control
ICF body structures and functions
Criterion referenced
Assess discrete levels of trunk control
4+ months
Population- CP , SCI, DS
GMFM gross motor function measure
ICF activity
Criterion referenced
Determine the quantity of movement and children with CP and DS
Five months to 16 years
Direct assessment and parent report
Peds QL pediatric quality of life
Criterion referenced
Assess health related quality of life
2 to 18 years
Acute and chronic health conditions
pediatric measure of participation PMoP
Criterion reference
Assess participation at home and in the community
8 to 21 years child report
4-21 years parent report
Spinal cord injury and dysfunction