Tests Flashcards
Hemoccult of Guaiac Test
test to detect occult blood in feces
xray examination of the biliary system performed after injection of contrast into the bile ducts
computed tomography (CT)
a series of x-ray images to taken in multiple views and then placed in a 4D model
abdominal ultrasonography
sound waves beamed into the abdomen to produce an image of the abdominal cavity
endoscopic ultrasonography
use of an endoscope combined with an ultrasound to examine organs in the GI tract
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
magnetic waves that produce images of organs and tissues in all three planes of the body
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
visual examination of the GI tract using an endoscope
visual examination with a laparoscope inserted through small incisions in the abdomen
a laboratory test that examines the urine to identify abnormal components which help inform health, infection, or potential disease processes
CT Urography
xray images using the CT machine which combines and forms a 4D cross sectional view
a specific xray of the kidneys, ureters, and the bladder
RP Retrograde pyelogram
an xray image that shows the renal structures which is done by injecting a contrast material into the system using a urinary catheter
using a small tube with a camera on the end of it to visualize the ureters and bladder
a procedure that involves exchanging a persons blood through a filter device and returning it to the body to separate and remove nitrous waste. This is an artificial way of performing kidney waste elimination functions.
a procedure in which renal stones are crushed or pulverized
Urinary Catheterization
inserting a small flexible tube through the urethra and into the bladder for the purpose of collecting urine
Cardiac biomarkers
a series of blood tests that help identify if a person is undergoing a heart attack
an xray image that allows a clinician to see the vessels of the heart after injecting a contrast material into the circulatory system
doppler ultrasound
sound waves that measure blood flow within blood vessels
high frequency sound waves that produce an image of the inside of the heart
cardiac catheterization
a small tube that is inserted in a large vein or artery and is guided into the heart for intervention
this procedure involves using small stickers and cables on the outside of the body to detect the electrical activity of the heart. This electrical activity pattern forms your heartbeat and is captured on either a computer screen or can be printed out on a piece of paper
Stress Test
this is a physical exertion test, usually conducted on a treadmill that helps clinicians understand a persons’ tolerance to increasing levels of physical activity while being monitored
Chest xray (CXR) anterior, posterior and lateral
radiographic image of the chest cavity which includes the lungs and the directions to the technician on how to take the xray include taking the film a &P to obtain the view of the chest from the front to the back of the chest as well as from the side of the patient, shoulder to shoulder to ensure all fields of the lungs are observed
a small fiberoptic endoscope with a camera that allows a clinician to visualize the bronchial passage of the lungs
Pulmonary function test (PFTs)
these include a group of tests that allow clinicians to measure the ventilation ability of the lungs. It includes lung volume, airway function, and lung capacity (exchange of CO2 and O2)
a surgical procedure that removes fluid from the pleural space
a surgical creation of a small hole or opening directly into the trachea through the front of the neck
recording the electrical activity of the brain
removing a small sample of CSF, with a needle, between 2 vertebrae for analysis
CSF Cerebrospinal analysis
lab test in which a sample of CSF is examined for abnormalities
the use of a contrast material to identify abnormalities on x ray
a surgical procedure in which a small camera scope is inserted into the interior of a joint
bone scan
an image obtained by using a small amount of a radioactive material that highlights the bone so that disorders can be identified
bone densitometry
an xray technique that determines the density of a persons bone useful in diagnosing bone conditions
Male: transracial ultrasound
use of sound waves to diagnose prostate cancer, across the rectum view
Male: PSA (prostate-specific antigen)
a lab test that measures a specific protein exclusively produced by prostate cells
Male: DRE (digital rectal exam)
a digital procedure by a clinician to feel the size and shape of the prostate gland through the rectal wall
Female: Pap test
routine lab test screening for cervical cancer involving the staining of cervical cells removed from the vagina and cervix to be examined under a microscope
Female: Pregnancy Test
lab test via a blood sample or urine sample that detects the presence of hCG
Female: Mammography
routine screening xray image of breast tissue
Female: colposcopy
a special instrument that is used to closely examine the cervix, vagina, and vulva for abnormalities
Female: Amniocentesis
lab test involving the microscopic puncturing of the amniotic sac of a pregnant woman. The amniotic fluid withdrawn is analyzed for abnormality and treatment