Tests Flashcards
Testing thyroid
Stand behind patient, ask them to swallow
Snellen E chart
Testing vision
Patient stands 20 feet away
Tells direction of E
Convergence and accomadation
Cross-eyed, looking at nose
CN 4
Accommodation is pupillary response
Peripheral vision
Reaching test
Coming from all sides behind patient as they look straight ahead
In right ear, cone of light appears @
5 o’clock
In left ear, cone of light appears @
7 o’clock
Whisper test
Stand behind patient
Have them cover 1 ear
Short phrase
Repeat phrase
Rinne’s test
Tuning fork placed on mastoid process (bone conduction)
Hold in front of ear (air conduction)
Weber test
Bone conduction on top of head
Romberg’s test
CN 8
Have patient stand, swaying back and fourth
99 while listening w/ stethoscope
E every time you move stethoscope
Whispered pectoriloquy
Say 1 2 3 every time you move stethoscope
Testing all pulses
Brachial Radial Ulnar Popliteal Dorsalis pedis Carotid
Testing reflexes
Bicep Tricep Brachio-radialis Pantellar Ankle Plantar
Rebound tenderness
Hand at 90 degree angle
Press deeply in abdomen
Quickly remove hand
Rovsing’s sign
Pain in left side of abdomen
Sign of appendicitis
Psoas sign
Performed in suspected appendicitis
As pt is laying, ask to raise right leg
Murphy’s sign
While palpating liver, ask pt to take deep breath
Homan’s sign
Pain in calf during dorsiflexion
Allen’s test
Patency of radial and ulnar arteries
Babinski response
Fanning of toes (abnormal)
Tested with plantar reflex
Blumberg’s sign
Pain when area is no longer compressed
Relates to rebound tenderness
Checking alignment of spine
Phalen’s test
Carpel tunnel syndrome
Join back of hands together
Positive sign: pain or tingling sensation