- purifies and separates desired products from undesired products
- uses boiling points to separate two or more molecules
- two types - simple distillation and fractional distillation
simple distillation
- technique relies on a difference of at least 50 degrees celsius in boiling point between the components to obtain an effective seapration
- equipment used:
- round bottom flask: contains the mixture to be separated and* boiling chips (distribute heat and avoid explosion)*
condenser: glassware used to cool hot vapours
- vapours condense back to liquid
- distillate: the cooled vapour which has condensed back to liquid and collected in the beaker
- liquids w higher boiling points are left in the round-bottom flask
fractional distillation
- enables separation of liquids that have boiling points that are close together
- commonly used to separate volatile liquids from a reaction mixture
- a volatile liquid is one that vapourises easily at low temperatures (low boiling point)
- the vapours from the distillation flask contain a higher concentration of more volatile or lower boiling point components than the liquid in the flask
- vapours rise up the fractionating column until they reach a height where the temperature is low enough for condensation to occur
- as the condensed liquid trickled back down the it is reheated by vapours rising from the distillation flask - causes some condensed liquid to evaporate
- vapour now has a higher concentration of the low boiling component
- process of evaporation and condensation repeats multiple times throughout the length of the fractionating column - increasing the concentration of the most volatile component in the vapour
- temp at the top of the fractionating column remains relatively stable
- vapour eventually reaches condenser - it is cooled and the distillated drips into the collection vessel
- the distillate consists of components that condense over a small temp range near the boiling point of the desired organic compound
melting point determination
- temp at which melting occurs depends on structure of organic molecule
- pure organic molecule has a sharp melting point
- melting point range: DIFFERENCE between the temp at which the sample begins to melt and the temp at which sample completely melts
- melting point range of 0.5 - 2 degrees celsius is considered small//narrow → indicating pure compound
- in pure organic compounds - all the molecules are the same
- intermolecular attractions are maximised - molecules can pack together in an orderly arrangemet
- this is why pure organic substances has a sharp melting point
- in a mixture of 2 or more organic compounds (impure) the molecules cannot pack in an orderly array
- intermolecular forces are disrupted - less heat is needed to melt this mixture - melting point is lower
- impure solid has a broader melting point range because regions of the crystal structure contain different amount of impurity
- low melting point and a wide melting point range of more than 2 degrees celsius usually indicated an impure substance
- mixed melting point determination - can be performed to confirm identity of unknown solid
testing for carbon-carbon double bonds
- addition reaction between alkene and bromine can be used to test for the presence of a carbon carbon double bond
- red-orange colour of bromine rapidly decolourises - become colourless → colourless dibromo product forms
- bromine doesn’t react w alkanes
- can be used to distinguish between alkanes and alkenes
testing for hydroxyl functional group
- can be determined by esterification reaction
- mixture of organic compound and ethanoic acid is gently heated with a few drops of concentrated sulfuric acid
- if there is a hydroxyl gorup - characteristic smell of an ester will be detected
- to determine if the organic compound is primary, secondary or tertiary, acidified potassium dichromate or acidified potassium permanganate can be used
acidified potassium dichromate:
- primary or secondary - orange colour of the dichromate ion will be reduced to Cr 3+ → green in colour
- no colour change if tertiary
acdified potassium permanganate
- primary or secondary - purple coplour of permanganate ions will be reduced to Mn2+ - colourless
- no colour change if tertiary
testing for carboxyl functional group
- sodium hydrogen carbonate can be used to test for the presence of carboxylic acid
- when acids react w metal hydrogen carbonate → carbin diocide, salt and water are formed
- effervescence (fizzing) is observed when the carboxyl group is present
- presence of CO2 gas can be confirmed using lime water test
- when calcium hydroxide reacts with CO2 - calcium carbonate precipitate forms which turns the solution milky or cloudy
Ca(OH)2 (aq) + CO2 (g) → CaCO3 (s) + H2O (l)
iodine number
- used to measure degree of unsaturation of fats and oils
- iodine number - mass of iodine in grams that reacts with 100 grams of fat or oil
- the more unsaturated a fat or oil, the higher the iodine number
- oils with higher iodine numbers are grenerally more reactive, less stable, softer and more susceptible to oxidation that fats or oils with lower iodine numbers
- vegetable oils tend to have more unsaturated fats than animal fats - higher iodine values
iodine decolourises when it reacts with unsaturated hydrocarbons
volumetric analysis procedure
- preparation of standard solution
- preparation of sample aliquots
- preparation of burette
- titration (produce 3 concordant titres)
- calculation of the unknown concentration
prep standard solution
standard solution: solution of accurately known conc.
- prepared by dissolving primary standards or diltuin stock solutions
- ideal primary standard:
- readily obtained in pure form so that the amount in moles can be accurately calculated from their mass
- known chemical formula
- easy to store w/o absorbing water vapour or reacting w gases
- high molar mass (minimise effect of errors in weighing)
- is inexpensive
- the standard solutions needs to be titrated against a standard solution to determine its actual concentration - becomes standardised solution
- to maximise precision and accuracy, volumetric flask should only be rinsed with water to remove any trace chemicals from the glassware
prep aliquot
- known volume of sample transferred to conical flask with pipette
- fixed volume known as aliquot
- indicator may need to be added
- to maximise precision and accuracy
- conical flask should only be rinsed w deionised water to remove any trace chemicals
- rinsing w other solutions can cause unintended reactions and affect the result
- pipette should be rinsed with the solution it is to be filled with
- rinsing with water will dilute the aliquot (pipette is hard to dry as it is small)
- conical flask should only be rinsed w deionised water to remove any trace chemicals
prep burette
- burette contains the standard solution → delivers accurate volume of solution to the aliquot
- to maximise precision and accuracy
- burette should only be rinsed with the solution to be filled with (rinsing w water dilutes the solution → burette is narrow)
titration to produce 3 concordant titres
- solutions are mixed until equivalence point is reached
- equivalence point: the point at which the number of moles of both reactants are in the mole ratios of the balanced chemical equation
- end point: permanent colour change of solution in conical flask
- indicator is chosen so that the colur change at the end point occurs near the equicvalence point
- amount dispensed from burette → titre
- calculated by subtracting initial reading from final
- all readings to 2 decimal places
- to minimise random errors, titration is repeated several times to obtain concordant titres
- reading within 0.10mL of each other
- average fo 3 concordant titres used in calculation
errors in volumetric analysis
- accuracy depends on calibration of equipment used and uncertainties associated w analytical equipment
- parallex error - not reading from bottom of meniscus
dilution factor
- dilution factor = volume of the diluted solution/volume of the undiluted solution
- It is often necessary to dilute a solution by adding water to it to reduce its concentration, before carrying out a titration. This is done to obtain concentrations that will result in titres that are within the range of the burette.
mass spectrometry
- quantitative technique to detect concentrations in parts per billion to parts per trillion
- mass specturm of an unknown sample can be compared to mass spectra in database to find its identity
principles of mass spectrometry
- sample is injected to an ionisation chamber
- sample is bombarded by a stream of electrons
- knocks one or more electrons from the particle - resulting in positively charged ions
- molecule is said to have been ionised
- positively charged ions are deflected by a magnetic field
- ions are separated in a magnetic field based on there mass (m)/charge (z) ratio (m/z)
- ions with greater m/z will be deflected the least (heavier)
- the ions pass through a detector based on their m/z values
- data is recorded as a mass spectrum
- inside the ionisation chamber, high energy electrons from the electron beam ionise the sample by knocking off electrons in the molecule to produce a positively charge moelcular ion
- renmoving electrons weakens the bonds and can cause covalent bonds to break - resulting in the molecule to fragment - break apart
- Any bond in the molecular ion can break, so fragments can be single atoms, small groups of atoms, or large sections of a molecule
- However, as electrons have been lost, these fragments are always positively charged.
- write all fragments with a positive charge
features of mass spectrum
- relatively intensity is determined by:
- abundance of peak/abundance of most intense peak x 100
- the base peak is the most intense peak
- produced by the most stable and abundant fragment ion
- assigned a relative intensity of 100%
molecular ion peak - parent moelcular ion
- forms when the entire molecule loses one electron and becomes positively charged
- tells us the relatively molecular mass of the molecule
- other peaks with smaller m/z values than the molecular ion are known as fragment ions
- the relatively intensities o the peaks that form depend on
- energy of the ionising electrons
- ease with which fragments can be formned
- stability of the fragment ions that can form
empirical formula
simplest whole number ratio of the types of atoms in one molecule
study of interaction between matter and electromagenetic radiation
The absorbed radiation may cause:
* a change in the vibrational state of a molecule: IR
* a change in the ‘spin’ of particles in the nucleus: NMR
infrared spectroscopy
- gives qualitive information about the functional groups in the compound
- it can be used to quantitatvely determine the concentration of substances
principles of IR spectroscopy
- causes only molecular vibrations of the bonds within the molecules - bending and stretching
- when applied infrared frequency = natural freq of vibration → absorption of IR radiation
- causes a change in the vibrational state of the molecule
- diff functional groups absorb characteristic freq of IR to give a peak value on IR spectrum
- frequency of vibration of the bond is proportional to the energy of the vibration
- the amount of energy of infrared rafiation energy absorbed by the sample is equal to the amount of energy req to move from one vibrational level to the next vibrational energy level
frequency of IR radiation
- depends on strength of bond between two identical atoms
- the weaker the bond, the lower the frequency of absorbed radiation
- C-C is weaker than C=C and absorbs IR radiation of lower frequency
- mass of atoms attached to a bond
- atoms with higher mass absorb lower frequency radiation
description of absorption bands
- narrow absorption bands correspond to one specific type of molecular vibration.
- Broader bands may result from a number of related vibrational changes that have similar energies.
- Strong’, ‘medium’ or ‘weak’ describe the amount of radiation absorbed.
- each type of bond absorbs IR radiation over a typical rage of wavenumber
- absorption bands can be compared to ref tables of known functional groups and their associated wavenumbers to identify the compound
- can differentiate between very similar compounds
NMR spectroscopy
- uses electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency range
- energy of radiowaves is low in energy and frequence
- it is too low to cause electronic, vibration or rotational translations
- radio waves cause nuclear spin
- only nuclei with an odd number of protons and/or neutrons such as 1H, 13C, 31P
- the odd number of nuclear particles causes these nuclei to behave like tiny bar magnets
- in the presence of an external magnetic field - magnets can either line up i the same direction as the field or in the opposite direction
- nuclei with spin can also line up in the same direction as field or in opposite direction
- when magnets or nuclei are lined up against an external magnetic field, they have a higher energy and is cnsidered an unstable arrangement
- nuclei are normally in lower energy state when aligned w stron magnet
- radio waves provide energy to flip the nuclei into the higher energy state - nuclei are aligned against magentic field - in an unstable state
- nuceli will flip back to lower energy state - emitting a pulse of energy
- this is represented on an NMR specturm
types of NMR spectroscopy
- proton NMR
- examines 1H nucleus (1 proton and no neutrons)
- carbon-13 NMR
- examines 13C nucleus (6 protons, 7 neutrons)
- NMR spectroscopy gives info on the number and type of H and C nuclei in an organic compound
chemical environments
- atoms in same chemical environment absorb and emit the same energy so they produce the same singal in the NMR specturm
- made up of the atoms and electrons that surround a particular atom
- atoms have the same chemical environment if they are attached the same way to the same atoms
NMR spectrum
- difference in energy needed to change spin states in a sample is compared to energy needed to change spin states in TMS
- called chemical shift in parts per million - ppm
proton NMR
no. of signals = no. of different proton environments
- H atoms in the same chemical enevironmnet will have the same chemical shift
- relative peak area = proportional to the no. of hydrogen atoms in the environment it corresponds with
- splitting of signals = info about H atoms in adjacent environmnets
- chemical shifts = idenitfy the chemical environment where protons are located
signal splitting - proton NMR
- number of lines = n+1 (n= no. of neighbouring protons)
- protons up to 3 bonds away from a particular H atom
- attached to neighbouring carbon atoms for eg
- H atoms with no neighbours - one line signal - singlet
- signal produced by H in the OH of ALCOHOLS is not split by H’s attached to neighbouring carbons
- the hydroxyl H also doesn’t cause splitting of other signals of neighbouring H
- signal for OH is usually a singlet
interpretation of Carbon 13 spectra
- peak areas are not proportional to no. of carbon atoms in each environmnet
- spectra can only tell us the no. of different C environments
- the components are swept along the stationary (non-moving) phase by the solvent
- undergo a continual process of adsorption onto the stationary phase an desorption and dissolving into the mobile (moving) phase
- adsorption - molecule adhere to the surface of the phase
Rf value
distance the component travels from origin/distance the solvent front travels from origin
column chromatography
- solid stationary phase packed into a glass column
- sample mixture is applied to the top of the column
- mobile phase is continuously dripped slowly into the column from above
- a tap at the bottom allows solvent to leave the column
- called the eluent (the solvent that leaves the column)
- components are separated by the time it takes for them to appear in the eluent
high performance liquid chromatography
- also known as high pressure liquid chromatography
- same principles as column chromatography
- difference between column and HPLC
- particles are often 10-20x smaller in the HPLC column
- the higher surface area allows for more frequent adsorption and desorptio resulting in better separation of similar compounds
- solvent pumped through under high pressure rather than gravity-fed due to high resistance to the flow of mobile phase
- HPLC is sensitive - can detect conc in ppt
reverse phase HPLC
- some solids have chemical bonded to the surface to improve separation of particular classes of compounds
- most common form of HPLC is known as reverse phase HPLC
- stationary phase - non-polar
- to make it non-polar - hydrocarbonds have been attahced to the surface of silica
- mobile phase → polar solvent (water or methanol)
- polar molecules move quickly through the column
- form strong bonds with solvent molecule (dipole-dipole/hydrogen bonding) and are only weakly adsorbed to the non-polar stationary phase - non-polar molecule move more slowly through the column
- adsorbs strongly to stationary phase by dispersion forces
detecting components in HPLC
- detected by passing eluent stream through UV light
- many organic compounds absorb UV light
- when organic compound is passed in front of beam of light - reduced signal is picked up by the detector
- computer produces a chromatogram trace/chart - shows absorbance over time
- time taken for a component to pass through component - retention time
- used to qualitatively identify the components associated with the peaks on a chromatogram
- relative amounts of each components in a micture may be quantitatively determined by comparing the areas under each peak with areas under peaks for standard samples
qualitative analysis using HPLC
- the same compounds will give the same retention time if the conditions are kept the same - eg. temperature, mobile phase, stationary phase, flow rate, pressure. etc.
- 2 methods to identify a compound
- running a sample of the known pure compound (reference sample) under exactly the same conditions as the sample and comparing
- adding the known compound to the sample
- if the peak grows, it confirms that the added compound was the same as the compound to be identified (known as spiking)
quantitative analysis using HPLC
- peak area used to detemine concentration of components
- samples are compared to standard solutions of accurately known concentrations
- used to produce a calibration curve
- if a calibration curve needs extrapolation to determine a concentration - samples need to be diluted
investigating mixtures and product purity
- analyse sample on MS, IR or NMR and collect spectra
- compare sample’s spectra to a reference sample
- if spectra match with no additional or missing peaks → pure
- if spectra do not match - there are aditional peaks or missing peaks → not pure
mass spec and HPLC
- resolution of mass spectrometers can be increased by attaching HPLC to a mass spectrometer
- the HPLC first separates the components of a mixture and the eluent is injected into the mass spectrometer
- the mass spec fragments the molecules and produces mass spectrum that can be compared to databases for identification
- important to ensure retention times and mass spectra match
- calibration curve is prepared using a series of standards and the unknown conc is determined
identifying unknown contaminant using IR spectra
- subtract the spectra of the known compounds from the spectra of the unknown mixture
- spectra of the contaminant is then compared with spectra from database
why one molecule can produce diff peaks on mass spectrum
- (cations) needed to be formed in order for any peak
to appear on a mass spectrum. - fragmentation pattern that occurs because of the initial parent ion being unstable
- molar masses of the different isotopes present in the parent ion.
redox titration
- Used to analyse for Vit C, ethanol, SO2 (in wine), iodate in iodised salt
effect of column length in HPLC
- Column length affects the retention time and peak separation.
- A longer column means more interaction between the components of the mixture and the stationary phase resulting in higher retention times and greater separation of peaks.
- A shorter column means less interaction between the components of the mixture and the stationary phase leading to lower retention times and smaller separation of peaks.