Testing muscle groups of the upper limb Flashcards
How do you test the function of the sternocleidomastoid muscle?
Ask the patient to turn their head to right or left against resistance.
How do you test the function of the trapezius muscle?
Ask the patient to raise both shoulders against resistance.
How do you test the function of the pectoralis major muscle?
Ask the patient to adduct the abducted arm against resistance.
How do you test the function of the serratus anterior muscle?
Both arms of the patient should be outstretched with the palms against a wall. Ak the patient to press forward strongly.
How do you test the function of the teres major muscle?
Ask the patient to adduct their arm against resistance. See and palpate the muscle in the posterior axillary fold.
How do you test the function of the latissimus dorsi muscle?
Ask the patient to abduct their arm to 90 degrees, then adduct against resistance. See and palpate the muscle in the posterior axillary fold.
How do you test the function of the deltoid muscle?
Ask the patient to abduct the upper arm against resistance.
How do you test the function of rotator cuff muscles?
With the patient in a seated position, ask them to raise their arm out to the side 90 degrees and flex the elbow 90 degrees as well. The hand should point to the ceiling. Gently stabilise the elbow with one hand while trying to internally rotate the shoulder by pushing on the patient’s wrist.
How do you test the function of the flexors and extensors of the forearm?
Biceps- ask patient to flex their elbow (bend it) against resistance.
Triceps- ask patient to extend their elbow (straighten it) against resistance.
How do you assess the integrity of the flexor pollicis longus muscle/tendon?
Hold the proximal phalanx of the thumb whilst the distal phalanx is flexed against resistance. The muscle or tendon is deep for palpation.
What nerve supplies the flexor pollicis longus muscle?
Median nerve via anterior interosseous br C8,T1.
How do you assess the integrity of the extensor pollicis longus muscle/tendon?
Thumb is extended against resistance at the interphalangeal joint. Tendon visible at the medial border of the snuff box and medial to dorsal tubercle of radius.
What nerve supplies the extensor pollicis longus muscle?
Radial nerve via posterior interosseous br C78.
How do you assess the integrity of the flexor digitorum profundus muscle/tendon?
Hold the proximal interphalangeal joint in extended position while the distal IP joint is flexed against resistance.
What nerve supplies the flexor digitorum profundus muscle?
Ulnar nerve C8,T1 for 4th and 5th digits
Median nerve C8,T1 for 2nd and 3rd digits
How do you assess the integrity of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle/tendon?
Each digit is tested separately.
Hold the patient’s non-test fingers in full extension while the proximal IP joint of the test finger is flexed against resistance.
What nerve supplies the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle?
Median nerve C78,T1.
How do you assess the integrity of the extensor digitorum muscle/tendon?
The forearm is pronated and the digits extended at MCP joints. Apply resistance on the proximal phalanges. The tendons become visible and palpable on the dorsal of the hand, and the muscle belly is palpable on the forearm.
What nerve supplies the extensor digitorum muscle?
Radial nerve C78.
How do you assess the integrity of the dorsal interossei muscles?
Hold the adjacent extended and adducted fingers of the patient between your thumb and index finger while the patient attempts to abduct them.
What nerve supplies the dorsal and palmar interossei?
Ulnar nerve C8,T1
How do you assess the integrity of the palmar interossei muscles?
Ask the patient to hold a slip of paper between adjacent fingers that are extended and adducted.
Ask the patient to close their fingers tightly on the paper while you attempt to withdraw it.
What nerve supplies the biceps brachii muscle?
Musculocutaneous nerve C567.
What nerve supplies the triceps muscle?
Radial nerve C678.
What nerve supplies the brachioradialis muscle?
Radial nerve C567.
What nerve supplies the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle?
Ulnar nerve C78.
What nerve supplies the palmaris longus muscle?
Median nerve C67.
What nerve supplies the flexor carpi radialis muscle?
Median nerve C67.
How do you test the function of the biceps brachii muscle?
Ask the patient to flex their forearm against resistance.
How do you test the function of the triceps muscle?
Ask the patient to extend their flexed forearm against resistance.
How do you test the function of the brachioradialis muscle?
Ask the patient to flex their elbow against resistance with forearm in midprone position.
What muscles are tested when the patient flexes their wrist against resistance?
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Flexor carpi radialis
Palmaris longus