Test3 Flashcards
Rules of Interaction Rituals
Rules of irrelevance: unrelated matters to an interaction.
Rules of transformation: how those matters can become relevant.
Rules of realized resources: general scheme of interaction in a culture.
Rules of talk: clearance cues and regulation of interruptions.
Rules of self-respect: presentation of a positive attitude based on the role.
Presentation of self: Dramatic Realization
acting and enhancing roles and situations (how we play those roles).
Presentation of self: Idealization
Presenting oneself in a way consistent with the norms.
Presentation of self: Expressive Control
Control over gestures, reactions, body movements.
Presentation of self: Misrepresentation
A fake representation of self.
Presentation of self: Mystification
maintaining distance and mystery about oneself.
Presentation of Self: Sincerity
Communicating naturalness and covering the forced nature of interaction
Focused interaction: How to go about an encounter
- focus of attention
- openness to conversation
- mutual perception, relevance, and monitoring
- solidarity
- entrance and exit rituals
- corrective compensation for deviant acts
Focused interaction: Rituals
- deference ritual and demeanor rituals (talking when other people are talking)
- avoidance and presentation rituals
- ritual disequilibrium
Focused interaction: Talk
- footing: foundation of conversations
- quasi talk (making casual conversation)
the way we perceive and organize situations and experiences
Primary frames
natural and social
Complexity of experience
multiple layers of framing
Two level of reality; primary and projected frame (what it looks like vs. what it is really like).
- make believe
- contest (games) and ceremonies (ritual enhancements)
- technical re-doing’s (practice in anticipation)
faking of a situation