test2 Flashcards
The date (month and year) of Kristallnacht
November 1938
The reason the Lodz Ghetto was able to survive the longest of all ghettos
Judenrats established factories in this camp that were useful to Nazis
Mobile killing units that followed Germany into Russia, would kill Jews and bury in mass graves.
The result of the Munich Conference held in September 1938
Conference gave Sudetenland to Germany, the definition of appeasement.
The two primary responsibilities of each ghetto’s Judenrat
Organize all needed services and carry out Nazi orders.
The secret provision of the pact between Germany and Russia made in August 1939
Poland would be divided between Germany (west) and Russia (east).
What Hitler did in the Rhineland that constituted a violation of the Treaty of Versailles
Hitler ordered the German forces into Rhineland
The two most important provisions of the Nuremberg Laws of September 1935
Stripped Jews of German citizenship and prevented marriage or sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews
The names of three extermination camps
Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor
The significance of Kristallnacht
Kristallnacht was the night that the discrimination against Jews stopped being law based. It showed a change in the relationship between Nazis and Jews.
The two main things that ghettos accomplished for the Nazis
Ghettos got all of the Jews in the same place, and lead to mass deaths within the community.
A Mischling of the first degree
Someone who has two Jewish grandparents, does not practice Judaism, and is not married to a Jewish person.
The first camp established in Germany in 1933
What Saul wanted so desperately to do in Son of Saul
Give a proper Jewish burial to his son
The full date (month, day, year) of the beginning of World War II
September 1, 1939
The Anschluss
The annexation of Austria by Germany
Aktion T-4
Mobile euthanasia operation used to kill the disabled in Germany
The date (month and year) of Hitler’s invasion of Russia
June, 1941
“Coordination” how Hitler gained control of every aspect of German society. Economy, education, media, and culture.
Two components of Christian supersessionism
Jewish people were Christ killers and the New Testament fulfills the Old Testament
The basic agreement in the Vatican Concordat between the Nazi government and the Vatican
Nazis would allow Catholics to continue practicing in Germany if the Vatican Concordat did not continue political activity.
The bishop who protested the T-4 program in a sermon
Clemens August Graf von Galen, Bishop of Munster
The purpose of the Wannsee Conference
To implement the plan to exterminate the Jews.
The year in which most of the extermination camps were opened
The name of the Auschwitz camp where victims were murdered in gas chambers
Auschwitz II Birkenau