Test2 Flashcards
Types of validity
Construct Validity
The Test is adequate
Predictive Validity
Able to predict certain phanomen
Internal Validity
The experiment sound
External Validity
Is it able to generalize
History of Intelligence Test
It began in a test for children
Intelligence is the ability or mindset to learn a certain thing
The French government wanted to objectively identify slow and fast learners to identify children in need of special education services.
Alfred Binet and Henri Simon (1904): first intelligence test.
When Binet and Simon created the first intelligence test more than a century ago, they had no inkling that they’d alter the landscape of psychology.
Goal is to measure intellectual performance of French school children
Test is a measure of current performance not innate abilities
Mental age vs chronological age
U.S. Impact: Immigrants and military training.
What is Intelligence In Charles Spearman (1927):
These correlations suggest a single common factor across all aspects of mental ability: g for general intelligence.
G: General Factors
4S: Specific Factors for visual, reading, maths and problem solving test
Logical reasoning
Verbal reasoning
Quantitive Reasoning
What is Intelligence In Raymond Cattell (1905–1998):
Crystallized Intelligence:
knowledge accumulated over the lifespan
Fluid Intelligence (g):
the capacity to solve new problems
What is Intelligence In Robert Sternberg (1949 - ):
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
This is base on 3 factors:
Analytical Intelligence: Mental step and components use to solve problem
Creative Intelligence: Use of experience in ways that foster insight
Practical Intelligence: Ability to read and adopt in life
What is Cultural Fair test
Use graphics instead of words to avoid culture and language differences.
Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences:
Is not single but multiple that interact with each other
Interpersonal: People smart
Intrapersonal: Self smart
Lingustic: Word smart
Logical Mathematical:Logic smart
Natualist: Natual smart
Spacial: Picture smart
Bodily-Kinesathetic: Body smart
Musical: Music smart
What is IQ
Wilhelm Stern(1912) invented the formula for Intelligence quotient.
Formula for Computing Score:
IQ = (Mental Age /Chronological Age) x 100
What is EQ
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
The ability to understand our emotions and those of others
EQ involves the ability to use this knowledge in our everyday lives
Standardizing Test Scores
The test is done in a consistent way for everyone
Administer test to a representative sample of the entire population that will take the test.
Establish “norms” or standards that individual test scores can be compared to.
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test for Verbal Intelligence
Test of receptive vocabulary for Standard American English and is intended to provide a quick estimate of verbal ability and scholastic aptitude.
The examiner presents a series of pictures to each person. There are four pictures on a page. The examiner speaks a word describing one of the pictures and asks the individual to point to the picture that the word describes.
Different Versions of the Test Yield Similar Scores
Spatial Intelligence: Mental Rotation Test
A test testing the participant’s spacial ability by chosing the same shape that variated
Neuronal Plasticity
Intelligence is associated with prolonged development of the cerebral cortex:
A longer childhood is associated with greater plasticity over the lifespan.
Biological Basis of Intelligence
Brain size is weakly correlated with intelligence.
Cerebral cortex development is slower in gifted children.
Intelligence is intimately involved with working memory and short-term memory.
Intelligence is located throughout the brain, but the prefrontal cortex is especially implicated.
Sex Differences in Specific Mental Abilities
Differences tend to be small.
Sex differences could be due to the environment.
Tetris and other similar video games can improve mental rotation.
The Flynn Effect
The Flynn effect is the substantial and long-sustained increase in both fluid and crystallized intelligence test scores that was measured in many parts of the world over the 20th ~ 21st century.
Name the Commonly used IQ Tests Today
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Wechsler Primary and Preschool Scale of Intelligence
Culture fair IQ tests
* don’t depend on language
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence
Reliability of IQ Scores
IQ is reasonably stable across age and across retesting.
◦ Prior to age 2 or 3 IQ tests aren’t stable over time.
Validity of IQ Scores
IQ can predict school grades when the entire range is
considered but not at the top end of the scores.
o IQ can predict life outcomes including health and
accidents, but because it is confounded with social class, it
is difficult to tease apart.
Familiarity with a stimulus leads to a lessening of response.
As we are exposed to a stimulus repeatedly, our attention to it wanes. We habituate to a stimulus by losing interest in it.
Increased response to new stimulus!
When a stimulus is new to us, our attention is drawn to it. If we have become habituated (bored), and attention is renewed, then we have dishabituated to the new stimulus.
Stimulus Discrimination
When an infant dishabituated to a novel stimulus, this indicates that the infant noticed a difference between the novel stimulus and the previous one
Dishabituation is an indicator of what the infant was NOT expecting.
If the infant dishabituated to a novel stimulus, it indicates an outcome that is different from what they had expected to occur.
Focuses on simple explanations for outward behavior
Unconcerned with inner workings of mind
Explores how people learn to behave
Helps us understand how personality is shaped by environment
Believes that individual differences in personality due to social learning
Learning how to behave from watching others’ behavior
Rise of Behaviorism:
Infant mind viewed as tabula rasa(白板子), or blank slate
Learned associations develop through conditioning process in which environmental stimuli and behavioral responses become connected
1. Classical (Pavlovian) conditioning (巴甫洛夫学说)
learning that events tend to occur together, e.g., thunder and lightning
2. Operant (instrumental) conditioning
learning that a behavior leads to a particular outcome, e.g., put coins in vending machine, retrieve candy; put coins in a slot machine, (maybe) win jackpot
Classical Conditioning
Pavlov noticed the dogs salivating as soon as they saw the bowls that usually contained food or when a lab technician walked into the room . This suggested a learned response
Unconditioned stimulus (US): a stimulus that elicits response, such as the reflex without a prior of learning
Unconditioned response (UR): a response that without learning, such as reflex
Neutral stimulus (NS): A stimulus unrelated to UR
Conditioned stimulus (CS): a stimulus that elicits a response only after learning has taken place
Conditioned response (CR): a response to a conditioned stimulus; a response that has been learned
So we can say that Classical conditioning is when a neutral object comes to elicit a response when it is associated with a stimulus that already produces that response
the learning phase in which the CR is established; gradual formation of an association between NS and US
gradual decrease and elimination of the CR when the CS is presented repeatedly without the US
Extinction is not the same thing as unlearning. It occurs when we stop delivering reinforcers to a previously reinforced behavior.
Spontaneous recovery :A sudden reappearance of an extinguished CR after a delay
Stimulus generalization
Elicitation of a CR to stimuli that are highly similar, but not identical, to the CS
Stimulus discrimination
The opposite of stimulus generalization; occurs when we exhibit a CR to certain CS’s, but not others
Classical conditioning offers a way to get rid of phobias
Watson & Mary Cover Jones (1924) successfully treated 3-year-old Peter, who had a phobia of rabbits, by slowly introducing a rabbit paired with cookies
Operant conditioning
A learning theory that uses rewards and punishments to reinforce or inhibit behavior, primarily proposed by behavioral psychologist B.F. Skinner. Operant conditioning is different from classical conditioning, which focuses on physiological responses (for example, a bell causing a dog to salivate), while operant conditioning focuses on behavior and its consequences.
Skinner Box
used to study learning process in which the consequences of a voluntary action determine the likelihood that the action will be performed in future
Rat explores the environment & presses the bar randomly. Get food.> Learns to press bar to get food
Food: reinforcer for pressing bar
Begins to press bar more often
Ways of Modifying Behavior
Reinforcement (Increasing behavior) : Likelihood of behavior occurring again (goes higher)
Give something pleasant after a desirable behavior occurs.
Take something unpleasant away
Punishment (Decreasing behavior): Likelihood of behavior occurring again (goes lower)
Add something unpleasant following an undesirable behavior
Take something pleasant away, e.g. time out.