Test1:Review Flashcards
What is known as the physiologic status of prepuberty?
Name the muscle group in the lateral side wall of the pelvis
iliacus muscle
Which ligaments contain blood vessels and nerves?
broad ligaments
Which ligament occupies space in the layer of another ligament?
round ligaments
What is the size of a normal menarche uterus and a post menopausal uterus?
post menopause:6cm-4cm
What structure lies above the utero-ovarian ligament, round ligament, and tubal ovarian vessels?
fallopian tubes
Where is estrogen secreted from, and what does it do?
Estrogen is secreted by follicles(the theca interna and granulosa cells of the ovarian follicle)
Estrogen stimulates the development of female reproductive structures and promotes the growth of endometrial tissue during proliferative phase
Where is progesterone secreted from, and what does it do?
Progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum.
Progesterone helps prepare and maintain the endometrium for arrival and implantation of an embryo.
What supplies blood to the ovaries, vagina, uterus, and where do the drain?
Blood is supplied to the uterus and vagina by the uterine artery.
The ovaries receive blood from the branches of the uterine artery and from the ovarian arteries.
Ovarian veins: right vein drains into the IVC directly, left vein drains into the left renal vein
What arteries shed during menses?
Blood from the spiral arteries is shed during menses.
What are the portions of the fallopian tube?
Infundibulum(contains the fimbriae at the ends)-lateral segment
Ampulla-middle segment
Isthmus-medial segment
Interstitial portion-segment that passes through the uterine cornua
How thick should the endometrium be in post menopausal women?
Endometrium should not be more than 5mm.
What is the name of a mature follicle?
Graafian follicle-typically measures 2cm right before ovulation.
What is a gartners cyst?
small cyst within the vagina
What is a nabothian cyst?
benign tiny cyst within the cervix
What is the phase associated with the three line sign?
proliferative phase
What is the rectouterine space also known as?
pouch of Douglas
What is the retropubic space between the bladder and uterus known as?
space of Retzius