test1 Flashcards
blank is the organization of the formal elements in a work of art or design
- line, space, light and color, texture, pattern, time, motion are the basic parts of design. The simple common parts to make a design are called the
elements of art
ability to produce work that is accepted and sells. must be dealt with to succeed
blank will invent concrete and the arch, creating advances in architecture that are still being practiced today
Roman Technoloy
the history of art, in the western tradition has been defined by the representation of blank in visual images and objects
Appear to be still, or at rest. They are usually straight and perdictable
Static Lines
Lines that are not the same continuous width from one end to the other. unpredictable, precise, expressive
Irregular line
- blank is the period that marks a time when the greeks were producing monumental sculpture from stone. Influenced by the egyptians the high point of this period is represented by the kouros, or young boy
____ is a term pertaining to the appreciation of the beautiful as opposed to the functional or utilitarian and may by extension to the appreciation of any form of art, whether overtly beautiful or not
blank are used to create designs that are precise and direct, can only be vertical horizontal and diagonal
straight lines
blank was an early 1920 art movement that valued the subconscious, unpredictability and dreams by depicting impossible scenes with almost photographic precision
Line that is precise, controlled mathematically rigorous, logical, and rationally organized.
Analytic Line (blueprints)
in a work of visual art the literal shape and mass of an object or figure is called its blank. More generally the materials used to make a work of art, the ways in which these materials are utilized in terms of the formal elements.
the blank was in issue that split the catholic church it was based in the belief that very special painting could be worshiped as holy and capable of miracles, this idea was seen by some as the worship of idols and against the first commandments
iconoclastic controversy
Lines that we visually follow with our eye, even though they don’t exist
Implied Lines
like all collectible things, how hard it is to find an object can define its value. The blank of a work affects the value of it
artwork that depicts natural land formantions and scenes
- blank is a line that defines the edge of a shape or figure
Outline or O
. ___ art shaped western thinking, philosophy, and religion. perfected representing the human form through sculptures which created standard which represented different gods. forms: architecture, sculpture, painting, pottery and jewelry making.
blank is meant for a purpose that serves the user, many times hand made objects like pottery are created for common everyday uses like eating or drinking
functional art
Andy Warhol
Repeated images
blank is the ability to recognize understand and communicate the meaning of visual images
visual literacy
michelangelo and caravaggio were great artists of the blank , which took place around the 14 and 17 centuries and was centered around a resurgens in the appreciation of science music art and lit
Italian renaissance
Jackson Pollock
Splatter paint
- blank artwork has no reference to reality
Jan Van Eyck
Wedding Photo
David Statue
blank art is created specifically for the people who interact with it
- blank is the visible border of an object in space
OUTLINE or contour
Salvador Dali
Melting Clocks
blank of greek sculpture began to depict real people, and portraiture became an important part of the form from about 500bc on.
balance emphasis, focal point, scale, proportioning, repetitions are used to describe the way a designer arranges and modifies the elements in a design
principles of art/design
blank is a kind of still life painting designed to remind us of the frivolous quality of human existence
a kind of line that seems to spring directly from the artists emotions or feelings, blank are epitomized by curvilinear forms
- sets the tone for every work of western art. Began in 1000 bc
ancient greek art
type of art whose painting characteristics include relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles.
the meaning of an image, beyond its overt subject matter is opposed to form, blank can be considered the meaning of a work of art
- blank is an international competition held in grand rapids
art prize
In a work of visual art, the images and symbols conventionally associated with a given subject are called
type of art which emphasizes expressive aspects, representing reality in a different way. changes what they see in real life to fit a design they wish to produce
abstract art
blank is a reference to the ancient greeks and romans who invented many of the forms we consider beautiful today.
Classical beauty
- blank is used in modern times to describe the people that will take the risk of new thinking and techniques to create their art work, and altho they do not see immediate success their styles are usually ones that will influence future artists.
1950-Britian. employes popular images. challenged traditions of fine art. material is sometimes visually removed from its known context, isolated, and/or combined with unrelated material. the concept of it refers not as much to the art itself as to the attitudes that led to it.[2]
Leonardo da Vinci
mona lisa and the last supper
a line which gives a sense of motion. they look like they are moving. unpredictable, unstable, and expressive
Dynamic Lines
a blank is a representation of a specific person that usually includes some type of image that looks like that person