Test Written Flashcards
What should be conducted prior to a TRR (training requirement review)
A FCR or formal course review
A formal course review should be conducted prior to what?
A training requirement review
What can be used to develop navy wide advancement exams?
OCCSTDS (occupational standards)
The __________ process establishes a repeatable and defendable job analysis process for developing or revising training content.
Job duty task analysis (JDTA)
T/f the purpose of naval training system requirements, acquisitions and managment is to establish policy for planning, determining, and documenting manpower, personnel and training requirements for navy and integrated USN/USMC new and modernized acquisitions systems across the continuum of navy training
______ condition _____ is a situation that can cancel or stop training completely
ITER (impaired training and education report)
Which AIM(authoring instructional materials) tool supports PPP (personnel performance profile) based curriculum development
Which primary area within CPM (content planning module) can a user view JDTA (job duty task analysis) data?
Job duty task analysis area
Two types of training that can be received through navy e-learning within the ILE are ______ and ______.
Formal/informal and GMT/NMT
An emergency action plan must be reviewed _______ and executed fully _____
Quarterly and annually
Which “way of learning” is sometime referred to as discovery learning?
Trial and error
_________ is used to determine the cost of each training solution recommended by the __________
BCA(business case analysis)
FEA front end analysis
Initial approval authority for the TPP (training project plan) is the _______
CCA (curriculum control authority)
How many phases are involved in the TBCD(task based curriculum development)?
WHat type of course that can be listed in the training path chart (TPC) is described as prerequisite training that provides basic technical knowledge and skills?
Background training
IMI is_____
Interactive multimedia instruction
If a JDTA (job duty task analysis) is not available as the primary course data when creating test items, it is acceptable to use the following:
PPP (personnel performance profile) table
CTTL(course training task list) Table
OCCSTDS (occupational standards)
COI (course outline of instruction)
According to navedtra 132, what is defined as the ability to comprehend a learning objective?
Which grading system is used with the designation of sat and unsat?
PQS standards are maintained and available for fleet use at?
Navy knowledge online… (my navy portal) );81!2&2 h
Non-resident training course
How many steps are used to develop and approve a naval training system plan? (NTSP)
_________ is a government managed system used by the Navy to develop, update, manage, and integrate training content.
AIM or authoring instructional materials
___________ condition yellow is a situation that can result in delayed classes.
Impaired training and education report
ITER condition _______ is a situation that can result in delayed classes
Impaired training and education report condition yellow is a situation that can result in __________ classes.
Who serves as the approved for NeL content administration?
GCAT government content acceptance testing
What does the acronym CeTARS stand for?
Corporate enterprise and training activity resource system
What is the third step in the 5 step ORM process?
Make risk decisions
The _______ is the most essential link in the training chain
The law of _______ states that people can only learn when they are physically and mentally ready?
The law of _______ states that people can only learn when they are physically and mentally ready
CCA stands for
Curriculum control authority
__________ indicates student status in CeTARS
Person event code (PEVT)
During an _________at least ___ member should be a certified instructor in the area the student is having difficulty in.
ARB, 1
Which NAVEDTRA is used for personnel performance profile based curriculum development?
The ____________ is a composite listing of all material needed to conduct training.
RRL (rescue requirement list)
Which type of test may or may not be graded and its score is not used in calculation of trainees final grade?
Informal test
According to NAVEDTRA 132 ______ is defined as the ability to perform a learning objective
How many sections are in a testing plan?
10 sections
What instruction is the PQS qualification standard?
How many acquisition categories does the naval training system plan govern?
__________ data is gathered weekly and sent via naval message
MTO (missed training opportunity)
Which AIM (authoring instructional materials) tool supports task based curriculum development?
What is not a primary area within CPM (content planning module)
CPM assessment area
__________ is a NAVEDTRA publication which contains information concerning all formal courses of instruction throughout the navy.
Catalog of navy training courses (CANTRAC)
How many steps are in the ORM or operational risk management process?
What is the navy instruction manual
Which learning style as described by David Kolb, prefers a theory based analytical approach to learning?
Abstract learning
What are the two types of performance test
Product and process
CCMM stands for what
Course curriculum model manager
How many ARB outcomes are there?
Evaluation of instructors in the lab/classroom/ facilitated environment is broken down into how many categories?
HPRR (human performance requirements review) shall be completed on each CIN( course identification number) at a minimum of every______ months?
The acronym OCCSTDS stands for ______
Occupational standards
An ORM assessment is an external trigger to perform a ______
JDTA job duty task analysis
Who has the final approval of a finalized FEA (front end analysis)
CCA (curriculum control authority)
T/f the cover page of a TPP (training project plan) will include the phrase “training project plan for”
The CTTL (course training task list) is the output of the analyze phase of _______
Task based curriculum development (TBCD)
What types of training then can be listed is described as training aboard a ship which may include watch standing qualifications?
Onboard training
The COI that is found within a TCCD is the ______
Curriculum outline of instruction
The primary course source data for creating test items is the ______
Which skill proficiency level is described as repetition?
NAVEDTRA 132 is the _________
Navy school testing program management manual
___________ provides commands the flexibility to satisfy a specific qualification requirement where no PQS standard exists.
JQR job qualification requirement
What are the two methods of testing?
Knowledge and performance
What element of a learning objective defines what a learner should be able to accomplish as a result of training?
What acronym describes an alphanumeric combination that uniquely identifies a course in the training database
All persons serving on an ARB must_____
Come to a consensus
____________ is responsible for maintaining a course audit trail and master record
The CCMM (course curriculum model manager)
__________ provides policy and guidance for _______ process and execution
NETC (naval education and training command) HPRR (human performance requirement review)
T/f all e-4 and below OCCSTDS (occupational standards) are taught in a-school
What section of a TPP (training project plan) covers the reasons for an anticipated benefits of a proposed project?
The finalized CTTL (course training task list) completed in the analyzed phase of the task based curriculum development (TBCD) will contain a listing of all _______ a student must complete.
Duties tasks and skills
How many stages are involved for developing material for PPP(personnel performance profile) based curriculum development?
What is the ILE( integrated learning environment) course development and lifestyle maintenance manual?
Who approves test design and maintains master test item bank?
CCMM (course curriculum model manager)
Which knowledge proficiency level is described as synthesis/evaluation?
_______ a short test used by instructors to assess achievements of a recently taught material
T/f naval training system requirements, acquisition and management only apply to navy training conducted pier side
Impaired training and education report
________ is an application used to document and map navy JDTA data to navy learning content
CPM content planning module
____________provides sailors the means to view and request seats in designated navy schools
ENTRS (enterprise naval training reservation system)
This instructional method is useful in teaching skills such as problem solving, it aids in channeling students thinking along pre-determined lines
Directed discussion
Navy school management manual
Who is responsible for ensuring accuracy of data in CETARS (corporate enterprise training activity resource system)
For a and c school an ARB can be convened if
Counseling fails
The ________ is the first message drafted and released in preparation for HPRR (human performance requirement review)
Announcement message
_______ reviews and approves occupational standards
A _______ can be performed to address new work requirements.
Targeted JDTA
When is a FEA (front end analysis performed)?
After job duty task analysis
T/f a TPP (training project plan) is required to cancel a course
Which NAVEDTRAS deal with curriculum development
Safety standown shall be conducted at least _______ and also following mishaps, near misses or major course revisions
_________ motivates trainees by connecting what they will be learning to what they will be doing in the job
How many learning levels can a knowledge test item test?
130- TBCD (task based curriculum development
131-PPP (personal performance profile)
132- navy school testing program
133-training requirement review (TRR)
134- navy instructor manual
135-navy school management
136- ILE(integrated learning environment)
137 JDTA