Test Two Flashcards
Learned and shared values, beliefs and behaviors common to a group of people.
Cultural marker that indicates shared tradition and heritage.
Social construct used to classify human beings into separate value based on categories.
Francois Bernier 1964
Claimed people are separated by two elements; skin color and facial features.
- European
- African
- Oriental
- Lapps
Johann Friedrich Bernier 1795
Most influential, used geography and observed physical differences.
- Caucasian
- Americans
- Malays
- Afer/Ethiopian
Over-generalization of an entire group or population can lead to racial profiling.
Internalized oppression use stereotypes to make judgement using negative categories.
Act on our prejudice.
Internalized Opression
Member of the group that is stereotyped and internalizes those negative categories.
Prejudice plus power.
Reverse Racism
No such thing as reverse racism.
Active vs. Passive
Active: Intentional
Passive: Just letting it happen.
Nonviolent Resistance
Is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protest, civil disobedience, economic and political non-cooperation.
MLK 6 Facts
- It is not for cowards
- Goal is not to defeat or humiliate opponent but to create cooperation and community.
- Nonviolent resister attacks the forces of evil not the people in engaged in evil.
- Nonviolent resister accepts suffering w/o retaliation, accepts violence but never commits it.
- The nonviolent resister learns to love the opponent with unconditional love.
- Based on the belief on that the universe is moving forward towards wholeness and peace.
Ideas of Action and Empathy
Most impactful when you do things outside of your own self interest.
10 Ways to Fight Hate
- To act
- Join forces
- Support the Victims
- Speak up
- Educating yourself
- Create an alternative
- Pressure leaders
- Stay engaged
- Teaching acceptance
- Dig deeper
Biochemical reaction within the body based on the way we interpert or respond to external pressure.
- Experienced subjectively
- Positive or negative (can’t control)
- Responsive behaviors (can control)
3 Types of Stress
- Eustress: Short term stress that encourages us to take important activities more seriously.
- Hypo-stress: Occurs when you are bored or under challenged.
- Hyper-stress: Occurs when to many task or responsibilities pile up and you are unable to adapt to the changes.
- In true stress the source is identifiable.
3 Stages of Hyper-Stress
- Alarm
- Resistance
- oxytocin and estrogen or testosterone
- endorphins: block feelings of pain
- serotonin: turns pain into pleasure
- dopamine: makes you feel good
- endocannabinoids- small enough molecule to pass the blood/brain barrier. - Exhaustion: when you get to the point where there is no physical or emotional reserves left.
Overblown conflict: exaggerated reaction with an unimportant issue as the focal point.
Conflict proneness: focused on the conflict that is around them.
Contentment and joy: people that chase joy are rarely contempt, people who are contempt are almost always joyful.
- Lifestyle
2. Environment
Bronzer T (2003) Prevalence of imprisonment in the U.S population, 1994-2001. Washington, DC. Bureau of Justice Statistics
- All men: 1 in 9
- White men: 1 in 17
- Black men: 1 in 3
- Latino men: 1 in 6
- All women: 1 in 56
- White women: 1 in 111
- Black women: 1 in 18
- Latina women: 1 in 45
Total corrections population
Total incarcerated (prison and jail); nearly 2.3 million
Probation population; nearly 4 million
Parole population; nearly 1 million
Black; white ratio 6:1