Test - Skeletal System Flashcards
16 What type of joint is behind the frontal bone and under the parietal bone?
P. 39 immovable joint
19 What bone is above the maxillary on the skull?
P. 39 Zygomatic
23 What do ligaments do
P. 42 attach bones to other bones
24 Is circulating bones a function of the skeletal system?
P. 42 No
28 What is the little black dots in the center of the osteons?
P. 44 Haversian canals
29 What is found between periosteum and spongy bone?
P. 42 compact bone
- What letters are on the tip of the vertebrae?
P. 36 - 37 a,b, & c
- L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 is a vertebrae
P. 36 lumbar
40 Which term describes cortical bone?
P. 38 rigid
43 What is on the heel of your foot?
P. 36-37 tarsal, calcaneus ,bone of gliding joint
49 The vertebrae that allows the head to turn or pivot is
P. 35 axis
54 What do the cartilage between bones do?
P. 44 Provides padding and protection against wear and tear
62 By eating dairy products, you are helping to maintain healthy bones because dairy products
are good sources of calcium
63 What is made up of 4 fused vertebrae
71 What are the ribs attached T11-T12 called
P. 36 Floating
74 Which type of joint provides the greatest range of motion?
P. 36 - 42 Ball and Socket, Joint C, Scapula, Clavicle and Humerus
#75 What kind of motion does the knee joint allow? What four bones make up this joint?
P. 36-42 backward and forward, femur, patella, tibia
76 Which joint is a pivot joint?
P. 35 B, Axis and Atlas
77 The skull’s joint has two bones separated by a line. What does the line represent?
P. 35 - 39 Immovable joint, parietal and frontal
78 Which joints are movable?
P. 35 Knee Joint, Vertebrae, Shoulder are movable D is movable q
79 Explain why some people say we have 33 vertebrae and some say 26 vertebrae. How can both be right?
When you get older your bones fuse together, babies have more, cartilage turns into bone, breakfast (7 cervical vertebrae ) lunch (12 thoracic vertebrae ) dinner (5)