Test Respiratory and Excretory Flashcards
What is the function of the urethra?
- It prevents urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
Where in the respiratory system does gas exchange occur?
76.in the heart
What is the main function of the excretory system?
- to bring oxygen to body cells
What is the function of a kidney?
- it helps remove waste from the body and maintains homeostasis
Which parts of the respiratory system divide into smaller and smaller tubes in a pattern that resembles the branches of a tree?
- trachea
What function do the kidneys perform?
- gas exchange
Organs of excretion that maintain homeostasis include the liver, lungs, skin, and ?
- kidneys
What do scientists use to describe the chemical process in which oxygen and glucose react to release energy inside body cells?
- exhaling
What is main function if the urinary system?
- removing toxins from your body
The process of removing waste in the body is called?
- gas exchange
What determines when you need to go to the bathroom?
- how full the bladder is
Each alveolus is surrounded by a network of ?
- arteries
What happens to cause air to be exhaled from the lungs?
- The diaphragm relaxes and moves upward
During gas exchange, which substance moves from the alveoli into the blood?
- oxygen
What word best describes the function of the nephrons?
- passageway
Hairlike structures that line the naval cavities and trachea are called?
- capillaries
The role of the respiratory system is to bring what substance into the body?
- carbon dioxide
It this true or false the Urine passes through the ureters, Urea enters the kidneys, and Uribe enters the urethra?
What is the name small flap of tissue that seals off the trachea during swallowing?
- alveoli
The vocal cords stretch across the opening of the?
- diaphragm
Under normal conditions, which if the following substances is found in urine?
- protein
What organ helps produces a person’s voice?
- the diaphragm
The respiratory system removes oxygen and water from the body.
- False, Carbon Dioxide
The ureters carry the urine to the____________, a muscular organ that stores urine
- urinary bladder
After flowing through the nasal cavities, air enters the ________, or throat.
- urine
The movement of air into and out of the lungs is called________.
- pharynx
The ________, or windpipe, leads from the
- larnyx
Urea, excess water, and other waste materials are eliminated in a watery fluid called___________.
- respiration
The process in which energy is released from glucose is called cellular
- Diaphragm
The _______,or voice box, is located in the top part of the trachea.
- Trachea
The dome-shaped muscle that helps move air in and out of the body is the
- breathing
What is the function of a lung?
- It contains the alveoli
What is the function of the trachea?
- It provides a passageway for air to flow to the lungs.
What is the function of the epiglottis?
- closes of the trachea
What is the function of the urea?
- it helps remove waste from the body and maintains homeostasis
What would would happen if you lost your larynx?
- you would have trouble speaking
What do the ureter, and urethra carry?
What is a urea?
- It is a waste material that comes from the breakdown of proteins.
Is Carbon Dioxide removed by the kidneys or other organs?
- No
Does the kidney eliminate the urea?
- Yes