TEST on Module 1 and 2 Flashcards
What makes the social sciences scientific?
The scientific method is used to the study human society which is why social sciences were considered scientific ever since the 18th century Enlightenment
Define Archaeology
the study of material remains of past ways of life
Define Ethnology
the study of the behavior of different groups of people, big or small
Define Ethnography
the study of a particular society at a particular time
Define Linguistics
the study of language
Define Anthropology
(3 points)
the study of people, the commonalities that make us al human, and the extraordinary forms in which that shared humanity can be expressed
Define Physical Anthropology
the study of evolution and physical variation
Define Cultural Anthropology
the study of human culture and its development
Why is Linguistics, or language, so important?
the handing down of information, stories, and traditions from generation to generation, whether written or spoken, is impossible without communication
Archaeology is the relationship between material _____
objects made by past people and the maker’s behavior
An Archaeologists deep analysis of who made and used the artifact creates a bridge between ______
human ways of survival and material remains
What are the 2 goals of Archaeology?
- obtain a chronology of the past
- contributes to charting individual sequences of culture change
- allows comparisons among culture histories in different parts of the world
- to learn why human culture has changed over time
Why is the anthropological attitude of trying to understand humanity important today?
calls for changes and appeals to tradition are growing louder
____ research is interdisciplinary as well as cross-cultural
Define Interdisciplinary
relating to more than one branch of knowledge
- used to document how and why people constrict their society in a certain way
Define Cross-Cultural
a concept that recognizes different cultures and the importance of making connections between them
Anthropology is also known as the study of “otherness”
List 3 reasons why
- careful accumulation and comparison of ethnographic data
- concerns to understand other ways
- critical reflection on the nature of one’s own culture
Define The Holistic Approach
a multi-faceted approach to the study of human beings and EXPERIENCE
Define Geography
List all 5 points
the study of where things are in the world, why they are there, how they are related to the location of other features, space, and place
Geography is considered ___ science
Why is Geography important?
we can anticipate future development and PLAN for them
Define Economics
List all 8 points
the study of how people choose to use their resources, labor, land, money, investment, income, production, taxes
What are some examples of Resources? (Economics)
time, land, tools, the knowledge of how to combine them to create useful products and services
What are some decisions people make that are of particular interest to economists?
How many dollars to spend, how many to save?
People usually use their resources to improve their _____
What are some examples of Well-Being
satisfaction from products, time spent in luxury with family, security provided by the gov
Economists seek to measure __a_, learn how __b__, and to evaluate __c__
a. well-being
b. well-being may INCREASE
c. the well-being of the rich and the poor
Economists addresses the collective behavior of ____
business, industries, governments, countries, THE GLOBE
Define Political Science
the study of governments, public polices, political processes, systems, political behavior
What is politics at its most basic level?
The struggle of who gets what, when, and how
Why do political scientists study the struggle of who gets what when and how?
to develop general theories about the way the world of politics work
Define Sociology
the study of social life, social change, social causes, consequences of human behavior, structure of groups, AND HOW PEOPLE INTERACT IN SOCIETIES
What is one word that can summarize Sociology?
Define History
the study of ALL human experience
History offers __a___
and offers ____b__
a. a storehouse of information about how people and societies behaved
b. the only evidential base for the analysis of how societies function
Why do people care about how societies functioned in the past?
People need to have this knowledge in order to run their own lives!
The past causes the _____
present, so the future
Why do we study history?
To understand HOW things change, _______
WHAT factors has changed, and understand why therefore prevent a bad event from happening again
What are the “aesthetic grounds” for studying history?
History as art and entertainment serves on aesthetic grounds and ON THE LEVEL OF HUMAN UNDERSTANDING
Why do symbols represent the outer layer of culture?
Symbols can EASILY be developed, changed, disappear, and be used by another culture
Culture is behavior through social learning or _____
Cultivated Behavior `
What role do heroes play in a culture?
Model for behavior
The essential core of culture consists of ____
traditional ideas and attached values
Why are values so hard to study?
Many values remain unconscious to those who hold them therefore cannot be discussed or observed
Define Cultural Relativism
the anthropological attitude that a society’s ideas should be understood in the context of that societies problems
Tendency toward negative evaluation of a culture results from ______
(Cultural Relativism)
Tendency toward positive evaluation of a culture takes the form of _____
(Cultural Relativism)
a naive yearning for the simple life of a Noble Savage
Define Noble Savage
Someone from a primitive culture that is supposedly corrupted by contact with society
A noble savage is real!
True or False
False, The Noble Savage is thought to be a MYTH that is outdated and wrong and RACIST