Test II Flashcards
Why is the C Major scale the reference point?
Because it doesn’t have any accidentals (ie sharps or flats)
Name the four authentic modes.
Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian
Name the four plagal modes.
Hypodorian, Hypophrygian, Hypolydian, Hypomixolydian
Authentic modes are composed of:
a group of five (pentachord) and then a group of four (tetrachord)
Plagal modes are composed of:
a group of four and then a group of five
Who created the modes?
Guido of Arezzo, around 1020CE
How many accidentals are in the modes?
What is a pentachord?
Group of five pitches
What binds Middle Ages and Renaissance music?
Both are based on modality (as opposed to tonality that comes later)
What is the reciting pitch?
the pitch that most of the chant is recited in (never occurs on B because B is so unstable)
How many accidentals are found in untransposed modes?
How are western keys related?
Through transposition
What is a natural instrument?
One that has no keys and therefore can only play the C Major scale
What is the Doctrine of Affections
early 17th C aesthetic theory that held that different musical moods could and should be used to influence the emotions, or affections, of the listener
Recitativo secco
voice and basso continuo only
more than one version
only one version
fingering notation
the process where one or more voices or instruments duplicate exactly for a period of time the music that the previous voice/instrument had just played
musica reservata
heightened textual information on a score or manuscript
derived from French word le mot, music composed for a choir or larger chorus setting a religious, devotional text, usually a cappella
two melodic lines played at the same time
Palestrina wrote for the Catholic Church during what period?
the counter reformation movement
What is figured bass?
When the pitches the bass is supposed to play are written above the note in numerical form (3=3rd note above root)
What is unfigured bass?
composer leaves it up to organist to decide what notes to play above the root
a secular song, originated in Italy and spread across Europe, basically sung love poems
What is Purcell’s asymmetrical structure?
Most compositions are written in groups of four, he wrote They Hand, Belinda in groups of five
rebirth of arts and letters, culture and society, based on rediscovery of ancient Greece
a focus on oneself, new in the Renaissance
Musician’s guild
started in Age of renaissance, helped musicians demand proper pay
example of a four voice motet
Ave Maria written by Josquin, 1485
what are the four voices in a motet
bass, tenor, alto, soprano
comprising the disciplines of grammar, logic, and rhetoric
arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music
Ave Maria is a salute to:
the Virgins principle days of celebration within the liturgical calendar
O Mater Dei
O Mother of god
What occurred on Oct 31, 1517?
The posting of the 95 thesis by Martin Luther, as a means of initiating the Protestant Reformation
What are the seven countries that bought into the Protestant Reformation?
Austria, Bohemia, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Switzerland
Council of Trent
1545-1563, top Catholic officials meet to decide how to handle the Protestant movement
composed Gloria in polyphony, and Agnus Dei, 1555 –emphases clarity of text
examples of Ordinarium Missae
Gloria and Agnus Dei
haut instruments
loud instruments like the sackbut
bas instruments
soft instruments such as the recorders
Musique de joye
collection of 25 anon. dance tunes, each printed with four separate parts (soprano, alto, tenor, bassus)
slow, gliding dance in duple meter
fast leaping dance in triple meter
a tempo mark indicating SLOW
Corelli’s Trio Sonata Fourth Movement?
Allemanda, Presto VERY FAST
Allemanda is what?
the fourth movement in Corelli’s Trio Sonata Opus 4. No. 1
When did Monteverdi write his opera?
- It begans with an oeverture the Tocatta
what the second part to Monteverdis opera?
“A lamara novella”
what is a monody?
expressive solo singing to simple accompaniment
Act III of Orfeo
Possente spirito sung in ARIA
the rhyme scheme of ARIA - ACT III
Vogliio Morire
Barbara Strozzi