Test Definitions Flashcards
The study of the linguistic meaning of morphemes, words, phrases, and sentences
The study of the structure of words and word formation
The study of sentence formation
The sound system of a language
The components of the grammar containing speakers’ knowledge about morphemes, words, and vocabulary
Use of L1 words or structures where they do not apply in the L2
The stage of child language acquisition in which one word conveys a complex message similar to that of a phrase or sentence
A biological time during which humans are predisposed to acquire language
Critical period
In L2 acquisition, the influences that result from similarities and differences between the target language and L1
Simplified, melodic speech often used with infants by caregivers
The concept that, in comprehending language, listeners create the simplest structure consistent with the grammar
Minimal attachment principle
Comprehensible input
i + 1
A “mental block” that prevents L2 learners from fully benefiting from comprehensible input
Affective filter
An individual who shows special abilities in one cognitive area while being deficient in others
Attach incoming material to the phrase that was most recently processed
Late closure principle
A child’s hypothesis that a new word refers to a type of thing, not just a particular thing
Type assumption
Children’s use of a term in a highly restrictive fashion, likely caused by the focus on a prototype of that category
A child’s innate hypothesis that a new word refers to types of objects that are alike in basic ways
Basic level assumption
Children’s use of a term in an overly broad fashion, including under one term distinct forms not usually included in adult language; likely the result of perceptual similarities
A child’s hypothesis that a new word refers to the entire item indicated
Whole object assumption