Test Ch 1 Flashcards
What is faith?
Trust and confidence in something
What is theology?
The study of god and religion
What is a belief?
It is a choice, usually with a lack of evidence
What is all knowledge composed of?
Fact and Belief
What is empiricism?
Using our 5 sense in order to gain knowledge
What is rationalism?
Using your brain or mind to know something
Who made the 5 proofs of god? What are these 5 proofs?
St. Thomas Aquinas
- Unmoved Mover
- First Cause
- Everything Comes from Something
- Supreme Model
- Grand Designer
How do we know about God?
Through Divine Revelation
What is Divine Revelation and what does “Revelation” mean?
Divine Revelation is the god initiated gift of God revealing himself to us. Revelation means “to reveal oneself” in Greek.
How would you describe the knowledge of God?
Dynamic; the knowledge itself is absolute but our understanding of it changes.
How can we break up Revelation?
- Scripture (bible)
- Tradition (church and history)
- God Himself
What is a covenant?
A solid open ended agreement of love that shows what God is like.
What are 4 examples of covenants and their symbols?
- Noah (rainbow)..promised not to kill the human race with a flood again
- Abraham (circumcision)..promised that he would give Abraham many descendants
- Moses/Mount Sinai (10 Commandments)
- Jesus (Jesus)…forgiveness of sins
What is Doctrine?
Doctrine is the faith and morals of our religion
What is Dogma?
Dogma is the absolute and necessary/divine revelation that is mainly revealed through the Magisterium. It cannot change.
What are the 9 attributes of God?
Unique Infinite and Omnipotent Eternal Immense Contains all things God is immutable God is simple God is personal God is holy
What does it mean to say that God is unique?
There is no God like him
What does it mean to say that God is infinite and omnipotent?
He can do everything. He is everywhere, unlimited, and all-powerful.
What does it mean to say that God is eternal?
God always was and always will be.
What does it mean to say that God is immense?
God is not limited to space
What does it mean to say that God is immutable?
God does not change, ever.
What does it mean to say that God is simple?
God is not complex, he cannot be divided into parts, his image cannot be made
What does it mean to say that God is personal?
God is alive, knows all things, and loves and cares for us beyond limit.
What does it mean to say that God is holy?
Holiness is a quality of being absolutely other than creation. God’s goodness and love are unlimited.
What is the definition of bible?
The inspired Word of God; the written record of Revelation
What is Sacred Tradition?
The living transmission of the Church’s Gospel message found in the Church’s teaching, life, and worship. It is faithfully preserved, handed on, and interpreted by the Church’s Magisterium.
What is the definition of dogma?
A central truth of Revelation that Catholics are obliged to believe.
What is Yahweh?
The sacred Hebrew name for God that means “I am who I am” or “I am”
What is the Blessed Trinity?
The central dogma of the Christian Faith. It states that there are 3 divine persons; father, son, and Holy Spirit— in one god
What is Abba?
Abba is the Aramaic term of endearment meaning “daddy”. Jesus used this word to teach that God is a loving Father
What is Divine Providence?
God’s loving and watchful guidance over his creatures on their way to their final goal and perfection.
What is Original Sin?
The fallen state of human nature into which all generations of people are born. Christ Jesus came to save us from Original Sin.
What is Original Holiness and Justice?
The state of man and woman before sin. “From their friendship with God flowed the happiness of their existence in paradise”
What is Concupiscence?
An inclination to commit sin that can be found in human desires and appetites as a result of Original Sin.
What are the names of God?
Yahweh/YHWH Abba Elohim G-d Immanuel
Are we born into or with original sin?
We are born into it and surrounded by it.
What is meant to counter Concupiscence?
What is transcendence?
The total uniqueness and infinite greatness God has compared to his creatures.
What is immanence?
God being in the world, his closeness and intimacy with us.
What is Deism?
The belief that God created the universe but stopped becoming involved at that point and takes no further interest in it; he just lets it run.
What is a secular humanist?
A secular humanist is someone that believes the world can run on its own without any recourse to God. It makes the human person and human achievements the center of the universe.