Blessed Trinity Flashcards
What is the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament?
An expression of God’s power, communication between God and people
What is “Ruah”?
Wind/Breath; a name for the Holy Spirit
What are some examples of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament?
Adam and Eve
Moses (fire)
Noah (dove, olive branch)
What are some examples of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament?
Jesus: Miracles, Baptism (dove)
What are some names, titles, and symbols of the Holy Spirit?
Holy Spirit Paraclete Fire, Wind, Water Oil Dove
What is the Blessed Trinity?
3 persons in one God
What is the Father?
No origin
Begets the Son
Who is the Son?
Proceeds from the Father
Word of God
Father’s Divine Expression of Himself
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Father and Son have a perfect relationship
Love proceeds from Father and Son –> Holy Spirit
What are some apologies for the Blessed Trinity?
Tree: Father = roots
Son = branches
Holy Spirit = Fruit
Shamrock: 3 Leaves –> 1 Shamrock
Sun: Father = sun itself
Son = rays
Holy Spirit = heat
Woman: Daughter, sister, mother, 1 woman
What are the three major heresies?
Partialism, Arianism, and Modalism
What is Arianism?
The belief that the son is completely separate from the father/god
What is Modalism?
God takes the form of one part (what we perceive) “different modes”
What is Partialism?
Parts are FROM God, not IN
Parts instead of whole
What is the Immanent Trinity?
How God exists in God
Which piece of the Blessed Trinity is eternal?
All are eternal
What IS each piece of the Holy Spirit?
Each is God, but one is not the other
What is the Salvific Trinity?
To the father, through the son, in the Holy Spirit
What is Telos?
A purpose, goal, or meaning
What is the goal of human beings, also in extension?
Happiness —> Heaven
What do we call the goal of happiness for humans?