test before finals Flashcards
organizational culture
the set of values, beliefs, adn norms that influence the way employees think, feel, and behave, also guides appropriate and inappropriate behavior within the organization
why does culture matter
- may be a source of competitive advantage
- acts as a control mechanism for empoyee behavior
guidign principles people use to distinguish desirable from undesirable
terminal values
Desired Outcomes
S: safety
P: profitability
I: innovation
E: excellence
L: leader
Q: quality
J: justice
instrumental Values
Desired behaviors
B: being ethical
R: respecting tradition
A: acting cautiously
T: taking risks
W: working
B: being creative
informal (unwritten) rules of behavior; how people should behave on a day to day basis
southwest airlines lists these values on their website. which one is a terminal?
a- take initiate
b- choose to do right
c- don’t be a jerk
d- tell the truth
e- kick tail (wining in the industry/excellence)
e- kicktail
how is organizational culture transmitted?
employees learn organizational values and norms through:
1. formal socialization practices
2. the organizational languages
3. signs, symbols, and stories
4. organizational rites and ceremonies
formal socialization practices
what the org does to onboard new employees: orientation, mentoring, training, intros
org languages
jargons and acronyms unique to the org
signs, symbols, and stories
physical indicators (office size and location), stories of heroes or victories
org rites and ceremonies
promotion announcements; celebrations; annual events
org design
proce of choosing tasks and job relationships that result in the org structure
- who does what (tasks)
- who reports to who (relationships)
org structure
- should be designed to fit or match the conditions
- no “best structure”
- best structure fits the org specific situation
group of employees who perform the same types of tasks and have similar skills
functional structure (refer to org charts)
groups of people together by function (ie: actg dept, it dept, operatiosn, sefety, mktg)
- when people do similar types of work, working together for one manager, it’s a functional structure
groups of employees who perform various functions to serve a particular set of customers OR make a particular product
divisional structure (refer to org charts)
groups together people by customer they serve or products they make (ie: geographic divisions, product divisions, service divisions, market divisions)
- for product divisions, if you have a clothing company, yu might have women’s clothing, men’s clothing, outerwear, footwear, etc. these are all products under a clothing division
advantages of functional structures
C: can create career ladders
E: easier to communicate with/learn from similar people
F: functional supervisors really know the jobs and can recognize good performance
disadvantages of functional structures
A: as the org grows and offers more product to more customers, it is harder for employees to be expert in all of them
A: as the org grows geo, it is harder for employees to respond to regional differences
advantages of divisional structures
C: coordination of employees specializing in a product or type of customer
R: rewarding employees in a division based on the business performance of the division
M: more autonomy
disadvantages of divisional structures
C: communication gets more complex with more people ad more layer s
D: devisions can get more competitive; behaviors benefit own divisons, not the org
H: higher costs due to needing more managers/employees
hierarchy of authority
height and span
the decisions for that functions are being made by either one person or a small dept of people that all work together
number of rules and procedures
span of control
number of direct reports a manager has
types of spans of control
wide span and narrow span
decentralized decision making
different people make decisions independently, in terms of different locations
standard operating procedures (sop)
specific sets of written instructions about how to perform a certain aspect of a task