test articles 1, 4, 8, 9, & 10 Flashcards
the systematic and planned extermination of an entire ethnic, religious, political, or cultural group of people
what are the 3 truths from the creation accounts?
- we are made in God’s divine image
- we are created to be in communion with God
- we are created to be in communion with each other
the original state of human beings in their relationship with God, sharing in the divine life in full communion with him
original holiness
the state of complete harmony of our first parents with themselves, with each other, and with all of creation
original justice
the good that is collectively shared Number of people and that is beneficial for all members of a given community. Social conditions that allow for all citizens of the earth, individuals and families, to meet basic needs and achieve fulfillment promote this
common good
Local revelation about the origins of sin and evil in the world, express figuratively in the account of Adam and eve in genesis
the Fall/the Fall from Grace
And by which the first humans disobey God and thereby lost original holiness and became subject to death. This is transmitted to every person born into the world, except Mary and Jesus.
original sin
what are the Three social justice principles
- Life has great worth in must be protected. We promote values that emphasize inherent worth of each of us.
- as humans, or true happiness lies and God only.
- we are to form communities of love injustice to work for the common good. We need to be concerned about others welfare as we are of our own.
what is the story of the first murder
Cain becomes jealous of his brother Abel and kills him
Sense of human dignity by ensuring that essential human needs are met in that essential human rights are protected for all people
Social justice
meaning “threefold”, current to the central mystery of the Christian faith that God exists as a community of three distinct in and related divine persons: father, son, and Holy Spirit. The doctrine of this is a mystery that is in accessible to human reason alone and is known through divine revelation only
What are the three inseparable meanings of the word “church”
- the entire people of God throughout the world
- the diocese
- the assembly of believers gathered for the celebration of the liturgy, especially the Eucharist
The free and undeserved gift of God’s loving an active presence in the universe in our lives, empowering us to respond to his call into live as his adopted sons and daughters. this restores our love and communion with the holy Trinity, lost through sin
People who have been called together for a special purpose
What are the three different names for the church
- Body of Christ
- Mystical Body of Christ
- Family of God