test 5 Flashcards
chimpanzee-like fossil species that includes “Lucy”
Chimpanzee-like “missing link” whose name means “handy man”
Homo habilis
“upright man”
Homo erectus
Human “ancestor” who was fully human but probably had rickets
Neanderthal man
Species of Java man
Homo erectus
Supposed early human fossil lost during WWII
Perking man
modern man’s classification
Homo Sapiens
Supposed human ancestor that was originally reconstructed from a few teeth and bone fragments and is now known to have resembled an orangutan
A fossil that extends through multiple strata is called a(n) _____________.
According to evolution, there should be many fossils that show signs of transforming from one kind into another. such fossils, if they existed, would be called transition forms or _____________.
The false belief that God initially created life and then used evolutionary processes to complete his work is called _________ evolution.
in the evolutionary interpretation of the fossil record, period are subdivided into units called _________.
The false belief that all geologic processes have always preceded at the same rate is known as ___________.
evolutionist created a hypothetical time scale called the _________ to summarize and graphically illustrate their idea of earths history.
geological column
A supposedly highly evolved fossil found in “old“ strata or a supposedly simple fossil in “recent” strata is called a(n) __________.
The false “ human ancestors” that was developed from a tooth known to have belonged to an extinct type of peccary was ___________ man.
Unusual bird considered a transitional form between reptiles and birds
Extinct fish considered a transitional form between fish and tetrapods
Living deep-sea fish once thought to be the ancestor of the first amphibians
Supposed transitional from between amphibians and reptiles
Belief that the universe and life originated by natural processes over billions of years
Animal or plant that disappears abruptly from the fossil record but is still alive today
living fossils
Term that refers to the volume of the portion of the skull that contains the brain
cranial capacity
Believe that God called the universe and all that is in it into existence out of nothing
(special) creation